
May 28th, 2010, 09:04 AM
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Land RAND is over, other games are ending too, so it's time to start organising promised team game. I know everyone was waiting for that
Most people should remember Preponderance setup. Luckily there are no clams now, so we should have nice and pleasant game.
Game settings:
- 12 teams of 2
- every team starts in a valley, one player near plains, one near caves
- game is ANONYMOUS, but teamings are public [so who is with who] and so are team compositions [so which nation with which]
- NO DIPLOMACY allowed between temas (inside teams, pretty much anything goes, except exploits)
- you should keep your identity secret (it's not disallowed to talk to someone outside game about it, but it's strongly discouraged, so we don't eliminate potential subs; you can always chat with game admin)
- player identity is revealed when WHOLE team dies
- RENAMING is ON, but it can be used only to make microing easier, so to rename mages with random paths etc; allowed convention for e.x. fire 4 nature 2 mage could be: FFFFNN or F4N2, you should not use anything that may make someone guess who you are; you can use names that just help in micro, so things like spells he will cast or item he is about to forge are ok too; but you are also not allowed to change names of scouts, etc
- if anyone breaks rules, he may be set to AI or endure few stales, without warning
- if you have any doubts - ask before
- SUBBING: since few patches it's possible to play for more than 1 nation with same cd-key, so in emergency you can let your teammate play for you, but it can be only temporary and game admin should be notified; in other situations, try to arrange subs so that no one knows which nation it's affecting
General settings:
Map: WoG Remake Team Arena v.3
Indies: standard, MA
Gold: 150%
Resources: 150%
Magic sites: 55
Research: Difficult
HoF: 15
Renaming: ON
- CBM 1.6
- Endgame Diversity Mod
- http://=http://forum.shrapnelgames.c... Standards v.2
- Banned Spells [Forge of the Ancients banned too] - see attachment
- Single Age Complete
Victory conditions: 10/26 VPs [24 caps + 2 VP worth central island]
Map files:
TGA - use this one!
Nations by points:
8 points:
EA Fomoria
EA Lanka
EA Niefelheim
LA Mictlan
7 points:
EA Mictlan
MA Ermor
MA Jotunheim
LA Midgard
6 points:
EA Sauromatia
EA Caelum
EA Helheim
EA Vanheim
MA Pythium
MA Vanheim
LA Gath
LA Utgard
LA T'ien Ch'i
5 points:
EA Arcoscephale
EA Ulm
EA T'ien Ch'i
EA Abysia
EA Tir na n'Og
EA Yomi
MA Ulm
MA Arcoscephale
MA Bandar Log
MA Shinuyama
MA PAngaea
MA Mictlan
MA Caelum
MA T'ien Ch'i
MA Eriu
LA Arcoscephale
LA Ulm
LA Caelum
LA Abysia
LA Agartha
LA Pythium
4 points:
EA Ermmor
EA Pangaea
EA Kailasa
MA Marignon
MA Machaka
MA Abysia
MA C'tis
LA Man
LA C'tis
LA Marignon
LA Patala
LA Pangaea
3 points:
EA Marverni
EA C'tis
MA Man
LA Jomon
LA Bogarus
2 points:
EA Agartha
MA Agartha
LA Atlantis
LA Ermor
EA Hinnom
MA Ashdod
water nations
Teams so far:
1. Squirrelloid + Raiel
2. FrozenLama + Trumanator
3. Maerlande + Burnsaber
4. Juffos + Hermeister
5. Zeldor + Quitti
6. Baalz + militarist
7. Ferrosol + Kheldron
8. DrPraetorious + Calahan
9. TheDemon + Blazin961
10. Apsophos + earcaraxe
11. Alpine Joe + Ghoul31
12. Agent Smith + Hoplosterum
Thread for this game exists on other forums too and it's suggested to visit there, as big part of players cannot post here.
Nation assignments:
- Ironhawk is main game admin now [there will be a backup one]
- you pick 3 [THREE] team choices, you should not repeat nations much
- your 2 nations must be worth 10 points at most, total
- all ties for a nation are won by a team that has less points total [not in 3 picks, of course]
- ties that cannot be resolved this way are up to game admin, who will try to satisfy most people and try to award highest picks for everyone
- if you lose all 3 picks, you MAY get 11 points to choose from remaining nations
No cheating!![i], this includes:
- Bogus orders
- Sickle farming
- lab filling [well, you cannot send anything this game]
- suiciding mages/priests intentionally to turn them undead
- giving up without fight
- staling
- not talking to your teammate
- revealing your or anyones ID in this game
Patala LA Mari
Lanka EA Agartha
EA Arco EA Ctis
LA Ulm Bandar Log
MA Man EA Mict
MA Arco EA Kailasa
EA Yomi LA Abysia
Sauro MA Machaka
Ma TC Ma Marignon
Shin MA Pyth
MA Aby MA Jot
LA Utgard LA Bogarus
Last edited by Zeldor; July 17th, 2010 at 07:58 AM..
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May 28th, 2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
You can see points for nations in Prepo 1 here
They'd be of course modified, because of no clams, some new patches in between + late summons mod.
And here are premade teams [they could be tweaked too]: teams

May 28th, 2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
Sign me up though I need a teammate. would prefer a points based selection and just normal diplomacy.

May 28th, 2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
I'll play

May 28th, 2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
i think i'll play for sure if we do rand(either) and otherwise i'll play for maybes
also if anyone i know wants to be my teammate that might make me more likely to play even if we don't get the ruleset i want... so.. yeah lemme know
Last edited by namad; May 28th, 2010 at 06:02 PM..

May 28th, 2010, 08:13 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
B, C.
Looking for a partner.
OK, joined with Namad. My votes still stand.
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
I occasionally post something useful.
Last edited by Lingchih; May 28th, 2010 at 08:25 PM..

May 28th, 2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
I will play with Militarist
I vote teams by points and no diplo
Voice of ***** and her spicy crew!

May 28th, 2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
No diplo sucks in a team game! C'mon!@ I can deal with Diplo with no trading, but no diplo?
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
I occasionally post something useful.

May 28th, 2010, 09:55 PM
Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
I'll play with Ferrosol if its cool with him.

May 28th, 2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Preponderance 2 [epice team game returns! join now!]
I vote teams by points and no diplo
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