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Old March 6th, 2011, 07:24 PM
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Potion EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

I've been developing an ArabianNights mod for the early age for about 5years and I have done much research/work, but my greatest obstacle is creating the images. I have about 20% of the work completed and believe the community will enjoy this nations creation and depth for multiplayer and singleplayer games. The unique design of this mod should allow for a more impressive/challenging AI opponent as well.

working images of the ancient persians/arabians:

1) Genies
2) Efreet / Afreet
3) Caliph (type of priest)
4) Assassin types (mythical welcome too)
5) Camel Calvary (camels since most of dominions use horses)
6) Giant White Bird with Talons
7) Persian or Arabian Units (This is most needed)
Persian Immortals
Palace Guards
Any ancient Melee Units (persian or arabian)
Any ancient Ranged Units (persian or arabian)

Units donated from other mods are also welcome. I will provide names in the credits from images which are used. Please help, thanks!
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Old March 7th, 2011, 04:48 AM
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Default Re: EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

There is already such a mod from elmokki (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43380)

If you ask him he will probably allow you to reuse his sprites, he has most of what you need, including the camels !

Your concept seems slightly different from his own, I'm curious to see what your mod will look like.
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Dominions Map validator and randomizer : http://dominions.realites.org
Dominions Map editor v0.75b : http://dominions.realites.org/map_editor
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Old March 20th, 2011, 05:30 PM
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Default Re: EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

Thanks Jack Trowell and llamabeast for the advice. The bird looks good, but I might add a few changes to better match details I've researched.

Thanks elmokki for the usage of your sprites. I'm expecting to only use a few basic units. I might change a few colors for my mod.

Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell View Post
Your concept seems slightly different from his own, I'm curious to see what your mod will look like.
I'm very excited about this mod and wish I could share all the details, story, research and unique design, but I'd rather reveal the entire package upon release for a greater impact. I do plan to send the first final version to Illwinter. I'm thinking of creating a second version specific for singleplayers who are seeking a more challenging AI opponent as well.
My toughest decisions currently:
1) Placing units/beings as summons, heroes and\or recruitables.
2) Amount of time spent creating images and historical researching.
3) Proper game balance design for multiplayer.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 05:47 AM

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Default Re: EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

For the giant white bird I suggest you use the Roc from the Endgame Diversity Mod. It's probably the same myth in fact!
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Old March 14th, 2011, 06:02 PM

elmokki elmokki is offline
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Default Re: EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

As long as you mention that the sprites are made by me, feel free to use my sprites from al-Nadim if you want to. The reason I made al-Nadim in the first place was that making everything by myself was the simplest and fastest way to get a working mod to play with - it's in no way perfect especially in terms of lore since I just am not THAT interested in myths. Anyone interested in making a bigger and better arabian themed mod might as well use my content as long as I get the proper credit.
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