I was wondering is anyone would be willing to answer a few questions about modifying SE4.
Currently trying ot design a few shipsets and would like to add or change a few things in SE4.
1. Is there a finite limit to components that can be used in a game ? I refer the the componnets bit map file that contains round 288 images (ish).
Can you add more ??
2. Gunboats
Any good ideas on how to add them ?
The way I assum GBs work is they are larger than fighters (usually warp capable, just short ranged), don't require a carrier maybe a tender vessels. Sort of a gap between starships and Fighters.
So far I'd figure them to be in SE4 as mini starships?
Problem is if they carry starship sized components they'd probably not be carrying much.
(unless I could a add whole new range of GB only parts)
3. To Warp or not to warp...
Is it possible to make it in SE4 that a unit cannot travel warp ?
Short of giving the ship no engines.
But then again this'd make the ship almost a monitor or insystem defence ship? Maybe vessels that cannot warp could recieve some sort of cost bonus.
I admit I am new to the SE4 world, so any help or ideas would be appreciated.
The Lair
[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: Blackadder ]