
July 24th, 2003, 04:37 AM
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2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
Attention: If you didn't get to join the tourney and are interested, please read this post. The first part is mainly for exsisting players, but later on there is informatiuon for anyone that wants to get involved.
Ok, round one is moving along. Four games are over. Hopefully the three left are well into things by now. I think it's time to start thinking about starting round 2. Since it's a double elimination tourney and you can play more then one game at a time there is no real reason we can't get started on it.
Here's the first round games.
Game 1 is still going on. Nodachi was eliminated (left really) and there is at least one hot and heavy war going on right now I know of.
Game 2 is over. Asmala won.
He defeated
Game 3 is still going on. Pratorian has been defeated. I know nothing else about the game except the players remaining:
Game 4 is over. I think MayaMax won. If one of you could tell me for sure I'd appreciate it. The other players were:
Game 5 is over. I believe Slynky won. Correct me if I am wrong. The other players were:
Game 6 is still going on. Noone has been eliminated as yet that I am aware of. The players:
Lord Chane
Game 7 is over. It appears from reviewing the Last turn that electrum was the winner. Please let me know if that is incorrect. The other players:
Mr. Uplift Mofo
Round two will again be games of five players if possible. I expect some players will drop out, some may have already.
Every effort will be made to ensure you play with four new players in round two. To this end I will be setting up the games and listing in the game descriptions which game you are to join. I am not going to assign you though because I want to use that as a way to verify you are still interested. Also all the round two games will start at the same time. Another difference from round one.
I am assuming anyone that won a round one game will be sticking around for round 2. That's not a sure thing, but I am confident. If so anyone that skips out on round two will be eliminated from the tourney. If by some wierd circumstance a round one winner sklips round 2 they will be given a loss but will be given the opportunity to play in round three whenever that happens.
On the other hand because of drops we may not have a number of players for round two that is divisible by five. I want to make the round two games be matches of five players if at all possible, so I will open up the tournament to anyone that wants to play and didn't make it into round one.
If you are interested, post something here. I will put your name on a waiting list. I will use players off the waiting list to fill spots vacated by round one players skipping round two. You will be given a loss for round one, but since it's a double elimination tournament you will still have a chance of winning the whole thing.
If and when all the initial round two games are filled with round one players and alternates, if there are enough alternates I will make another round two game with the first five alternates on the waiting list. I don't think that will happen, but there is the chance. The sooner you put your name on the list by posting your interest here, the better your chances of getting in the tounrament.
The format for round three has not been determined at this time. It will totally depend on how many players are left with less then two losses. So until all the round one and two games are over I can't decide on a format.
The one thing I know is that the tournament will be double eliminatioin till the end. So it is possible we might end up with two players with no losses that have to play each other in a couple games to determine the eventual champion. More will be clear on the possibilities after round 2 is over.
Current list of alternates for round two:
(Last updated July 24, 12:06 PM Est)
1. natasha
[ July 24, 2003, 17:02: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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July 24th, 2003, 02:45 PM
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Re: 2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
That's correct for game 5. Mark Pash dropped due to work constraints but sent me a message and seemed to express interest in doing round 2. As to the others, all I know is that Binford had a lightning strike that has put him out of business. Not sure when he'll be available.
BTW, will it be just a random selection for round 2 or will winners be paired with winners (and those with one loss paired with others of the same kind)?
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)

July 24th, 2003, 02:56 PM
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Re: 2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
Originally posted by Slynky:
BTW, will it be just a random selection for round 2 or will winners be paired with winners (and those with one loss paired with others of the same kind)?
Since there were seven games in round one and five players per game in round two it's going to be impossible to have all the winners in one game obviously.
I am still trying to decide the best arangment. It will probably be some kind of random placement which I have to tweak a bit to make sure I get everyone playing against people you didn't face in the first round. I could also put each of the first round winners in separate games. (EDIT: Although it occurs to me I can't really do this unless I wait for the round one games to finish before starting round 2. ) I understand that this might make them something of a target in round two, but at least spread among the games you are all equally facing the same thing rather then say five of you in a game and two unlucky ones stuck in games with players fighting to stay alive in the tournament.
[ July 24, 2003, 13:58: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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July 24th, 2003, 03:14 PM
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Re: 2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
Ok, I reviewed the Last turn of round 1 game 7 and it appears that Electrum was the winner in that one. If one of you could let me know if that is incorrect I'd appreciate it.
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July 24th, 2003, 06:11 PM
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Re: 2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
Ok, first alternate has emailed me and been put on the list. I will keep the list updated on the first post of this thread so everyone can find it that is interested.
EDIT: Hey, I guess this was my 5,000th post. Yay me.
[ July 24, 2003, 18:25: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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July 25th, 2003, 08:54 PM
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Re: 2003 PBW Open Tournament update.
I would suggest that all winners of round 1 be in seperate games, if possible. Save that for round 3 and up.
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