Yup did that

so I'll just need to work on some stuff to get myself a "pre alpha" going
Okay all here is a list of some of the stuff you can find per race (at least at the moment)
The only four races in the Alpha are going to be Terrenesi, Swarmer, Icaran Imperial and Rebel.
Terrenesi Weapons
Light Pulse Cannon: The standard Terrenesi ship mounted weapon on ships Light Cruiser and below, this weapon is especially accurate do to it's rapid rate of fire (I'll give combat bonuses to the ship carrying it to simulate this)
Restricted to: Light Cruiser and Below
Special: Breaches normal shields
Pulse cannon: Standard Terrenesi ship mounted weapon for ships Cruiser size and better, less accurate then a Light Pulse Cannon but also more damaging.
Restricted: Cruiser up
Special: Breaches normal shields
Heavy Pulse Cannons: The most damaging Terrenesi pulse cannon, this powerful weapon is only mounted on Dreadnoughts and Super Dreadnoughts as the power consumption is enormous.
Restriced: Dreadnought, Super Dreadnought
Special: Breachse ALL shields fires once every 3 turns
Quantum Discharge Cannon: The most powerful singlular weapon in the game the QDC is an expensive and huge weapon that can only be mounted on Super Dreadnoughts, though very short ranged it can easily kill an enemy capital ship in a single shot.
Restircted: Super Dreadnought
Special: Skips all Shields does 2000 damage, fires once every 30 turns.
Icaran Weapons (the only difference between Rebel and Imperial is color
Pulse Laser: The Pulse laser is a small weapon mounted on various Icaran Warships it is a rather low power weapon but it is highly accurate and rather long range for a weapon of it's size.
Restricted: None
Special: Lightweight, Very Accurate
Laser Cannon: The Icaran Laser cannon is the general run of the mill ship to ship energy weapon deployed by Icaran Capital ships, they are long ranged weapons with moderate hitting power and medium accuracy.
Restricted: none
Particle Laser Cannon: The PLC is the longest ranged non-seeker weapon in game but loses 60% power at maximum range.
This weapon is heavy and only mounted by the largest ships in the Icaran fleets.
Restricted: Battleship-Flagship
Special: Longest ranged non-seeker in game, moderately accurate for a weapon of it's size and heavier hitting power then the Laser. Fires once every 2 turns
More to come:
I'm hoping to get these weapons into my pre-alpha Version of the game and play test them.
The Icarans have plasma guns but I still havn't figured out the exact specs of those yet.