
February 17th, 2005, 03:00 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
NullAshton, any assistance provided in the security of the Hut leads to further freebies and incentives, so go on and park those bad boys near the front door and come on in for soup!
Evil-doers, I poop on you!
Rudy Huxtable
Cosby Kid and Proprietor
The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet intakes.
A Se+ GdY $ Fr! C+ Csc Sf Ai AuO M+ Mp* S Ss- RNSDH Pw- Fq Nd- RP+ G+++ Mm+ Bb++

February 17th, 2005, 03:04 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
I can't do long-range support much, mainly because of the lack of combat sensors... But, close-range, it kills you easily.
*parks a fleet of 6 B-Destroyer IIIs around the hut*

February 17th, 2005, 03:14 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
I'll bring some B-Destroyer IV's soon, with combat sensors, ECMs, and multiplex tracking.

February 17th, 2005, 03:20 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
Should the B-Destroyer IV be a baseship?

February 17th, 2005, 03:57 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
Renegade flickers into existance within the upstart establishment. Weilding only the Red Hot Poker Cannon, he decides to mete out justice according to his own definition of the term.
Grabbing an unsuspecting RudyHuxtable in a chokehold, he ties him to a solid barstool, waves the Red Hot Poker Cannon around in a dramatic manner for a moment before plunging it up to it's hilt into Rudy's....er....well you know where it went 
As Rudy flops around in unimaginable agony from the entrance of the RHPC into his body, Renegade says,
"That ought to teach you to pack up...if it doesn't I can bring the Emasculator of Doom next time...and there WILL be a next time"
Then, with an evil grin and an evil laugh, Renegade flickers out of existance again, transporting instantly back to the FCB&G, leaving a very very sore and blistered RudyHuxtable gimping around trying to forget the horrible pain in his rear. Sorry, I didn't come up with it, just borrowed the idea from Growltigger.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".
Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )

February 17th, 2005, 04:37 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
"Good try Agent Zero but perhaps you should leave commanding celestial energies to someone with a bit more experience. Like me. Now sit back watch, and learn."
[i]The Angel of Death waves her hand in a swirling motion, instantly encasing the entire Solar System in a static field that prevents any sort of teleportation, including but not limited to hyperspace, warp drive, any type of temporal technology, matter-energy transmission, energy-matter transmission, inter-dimensional travel, intra-dimensional travel, trans-dimensional travel, and any other sort of transportation that doesn't involve physically moving oneself from one point to another. With the combatants on both sides now securly trapped, Angel waves her hand again, tying both the existance and the intergrity of the static field to the very existance of the universe. Thus, any breach in the field, no matter how small would require the amount of energy required to collapse the entire universe multiplied by the total amount of energy in the universe. As a failsafe (as if one was needed), Angel then weaves a nullification field into the static field, ensuring that anyone who attempts to manipulate the field in anyway will instantly be erased from the timeline (WARNING: It is not recommended that you look at the static field for periods of more than five minutes or you may find yourself fading from existance).
I am the sword of vengeance,
I am divine retribution,
I am pain and suffering,
For I am Azrael, The Angel of Death,
And I have come for thee.

February 17th, 2005, 04:42 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
The B-Destroyers begin transmitting frantic messaging back and forth as a massive shadow passes overhead. Tides begin shifting horribly into the direction of Intel Forum City. One of the B-Destroyers tries firing a heavy XII APB into the shadow... only to be blown up by what seems to be a DUC shell about the size of a largish Battlecruiser.
Strategia leaves in a Starfighter to bring RudyHuxtable to the Brown Tentacle Rectal Hospital for examination. When he returns, the B-Destroyers are just scurrying away from under the massive shape of the USS Strategia. (note: it had an Advanced Tachyonic Accelerator, which it used to escape the belly of the Dragon.)
Strategia: "Well, mr. Ashton, it seems as though your puny B-Destroyers have fled in terror for my far superior force. Your ships weren't even 1500kT... my COMCA far exceeds even that number.
Heck, a couple of Starfighters could easily take out all your B-Destroyers without suffering a single casualty.
You see, it's all a matter of size. The PDCL was, oh, under 6000kT in size. That's tiny. Really, really tiny. A Starfighter is 150kT in itself. The USS Strategia is a modified COMCA. The standard version is already 25MT. The USS Strategia is an actual captured Peacekeeper Command Carrier, weakened from a recent battle with a Scarran Dreadnought. Everyone knows that Peacekeeper COMCAs are over 250MT in size.
If AZ ever shows up again, he'll not even have the chance to notice that there is even something going on. He'll be a rapidly expanding cloud of monatomic dust (TM&C Strohl Munitions. Excerpt from the folder of the VVVBHC 9000-B heavy plasma lance.) immediately. One hit from the Strategia's Uber-Overkill-Mounted Anti-Capship Disruptor Cannon will annihilate him immediately.
One tEEE, please. Phong blend."
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1

February 17th, 2005, 04:52 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
With silly teleportation technology completely nullified, the Angel of Death sets about doing what she does best. Pointing a finger upwards she avenges the death of her pet dragon by draining the energy from all organic and inorganic matter in Douglas's fleet. The now suddenly inert chunks of material slam to the ground around the Hut (miracleously not crushing it in the process) and begin disolving into a fine powder as the energy bonding their atoms together fades away.
Petey, the not-quite-fast-enough-this-time AI finds itself ripped from it's comfortable home, and now hovering in front of a very pissed off Angel of Death.
"Kill my dragon will you? What do you have to say for yourself?"
"001100110110101001! 0011100! 0011100010101! 00111000110011!"
Detatching a demon's arm, Angel uses it like a baseball bat and smacks the module containing Petey high into the air. Renegade, having gone outside for some fresh air, sees Petey rising from the area of the Hut, opens fire with his Red Hot Poker Cannon. Petey, now riddled with red hot pokers and little more than a semisolid blob splats onto the roof of the Forum Grill and solidifies into a completely inert coating for the roof.
"That's enough carnage for me for one day. I'll let someone else deal with those Dreadnoughts. I'm too full."
I am the sword of vengeance,
I am divine retribution,
I am pain and suffering,
For I am Azrael, The Angel of Death,
And I have come for thee.

February 17th, 2005, 04:59 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
The battle rages in orbit and around the Hut, as a fleet of World Destroyers drops out of hyperspace (hey, since the SW franchise hit rock bottom, I can get lots of stuff on the cheap!) and engages the Strategia in head-to-head combat.
Meanwhile, the chaos and carnage within the Hut itself has allowed Woundwort and a contingent of capos to force an entry.
"OK, boys, take this place apart!"
The capos proceed to blast away at every non-FCB&G customer and staff member in sight.

February 17th, 2005, 05:06 PM
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Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut
Ermm... Angel... those weren;t Dreadnoughts that passed over the B-Destroyers. That was a captured and modified Peacekepper Command Carrier (from Farscape). If you're referring to the Scarran Dreadnoughts, they're nowehre nearby. The COMCA (previously commonly known as Sol III A) is a massive warship. The "standard" (i.e. Capship Mod) version is 25MT, but Peacekeeper COMCA's look even bigger to me.
And you can't annihilate all life within the USS Strategia. You'd have to breach its hyperdimensional shielding first. That shielding ALONE contains the sum of ALL the power of several different dimensions. One tiny ripple in the field would cause your static shell to disappear like it never existed. Another ripple would completely annihilate the interdimansional bounds that separate dimensions, causing at least 17 different spatial dimensions and 923 different temporal dimensions to be randomly scrambled and intertwined.
No, but really. On a COMCA you can put hundreds of Phased Shield Generators. Not even your puny Dragon could penetrate that with its fire-breath, even if it had swallowed a red supergiant first. It can generate over 37500 phased shield points.
The PDCs mounted on it are so immense in themselves that they're 'bout as big as an average Trojan asteroid. They could inflict damage enough to take out a full stock Starbase with only a Master Computer and shielding.
Unfortunately, as of now Uber-Overkill-Mounts aren't available yet, as I've yet to redesign ground combat - and I've not gotten around to modding in at least two or three days.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1
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