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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Agent Zero wanders about the battlefield, every once and a while poking at the raging inferno of energy around him that stops abruptly about a foot away from his person. He looks up at the source of the energy, Strategia's COMCA vainley venting it full armament at him from a range of mere kilometers. He look pitingly at Strategia.

"If you haven't realized it by now, I'm dating the Angel of Death. You can't touch me."

With that, he decided to try out some of the new skills The Angel has been teaching him (No, not THOSE skills!). He lifts a hand into the air, and suddenly the force that was stopping Strategia's COMCA's weapons fire from reaching him begins to repels it. As it's own firepower tears through it's shields and begins ripping apart it's armour, the COMCA attempts to utilize it's Advanced Tachyonic Accelerator to save itself from destruction and finds out what happens when you attempt to teleport from within a stasis-nullification field: The COMCA abruptly ceases to exist.

Only to return to existance a safe distance away, completely intact for 0.0000359 seconds before every atom in it's construction decides to attempt to exist simultaneously with it's neighbour, and the whole contraption blows apart in the most spectacular explosion since the Big Bang.
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

A Starfighter launched from the Strategia drops a LOt of troops on the planet. The goons and still surviving Nultoh strongmen are killed in the first few seconds after insertion. (Well, as NOBODY seemed to pick the Nultoh strongmen up, I just thought I'd eliminate them myself.) The troops form a protective perimeter around the Hut.

Meanwhile, the World Destroyers resort to last measures - they're firing their Superlasers at maximum output at the Strategia. All to no avail. The tens of thousands of shield output points absorb all damage. Death Star after innumerable Death Star gets blown to micro-smithereens by the Strategia's tertiary weapons.

The battle appears to be in the process of ending itself... in the Hut's favor.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Strategia, I'd suggest re-reading Null-Ashton's post. The B-Destroyers ARE the dreadnoughts I was referring to. Furthermore, a static-nullification field of the divine variety instantly severs all links with other dimensions as this is the most basic of it's functions. Ergo, the hyperdimensional shielding would have failed the moment the static field was errected, allowing my dear Zero to splatter that COMCA into goo.
I am the sword of vengeance,
I am divine retribution,
I am pain and suffering,
For I am Azrael, The Angel of Death,
And I have come for thee.
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Erm... no divine or unholy shield could even approach the strength of a modified Peacekeeper Command Carrier with hyperdimensional shielding. The Divine and Unholy is unique per universe, and thus count for only one universe (or in this case dimension too), but my shielding connects hundreds of dimensions with all their universes at the same time... meaning it's better than a Holy Hyper-Shield Generator.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Following the destruction of the PDCL and associated ships, the Angel of Death is promptly buried under many tons of hate mail from numerous Schlock fans for killing off their favorite characters. The furor draws the attention of Howard Taylor, Malevolent God of the Schlockiverse. Being a god, he is of course completely immune to the effects of the stasis and nullification fields and quickly sets about correcting the situation. With a quick retcon, it turns out the fleet that just got destroyed was merely a gate-cloned copy of the original. The original fleet is now seen entering the system at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. He then ensures that the stasis field also prevents the calling up of more divine or hellish forces (ignoring the inadequate attempt of the nullification field to destroy a god) and sits back to watch from outside the universe.
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

An intel 'mote (totally inconspicuous at 50kT) reports back from recon around the FCB&G. "BLEEP - Audio User Interface online. The target appears to be only defended by a few combat robots, while the rest of their legions are moving here. This leaves us with an excellent opening to run an attack on the Bar & Grill." "Fine. Contact the Strategia and tell them to send another security detachment down here so that we can take this one to attack the B&G head-on."

As the last Death Star explodes in yet another tedious, tiring flash of sparks and debris, another Starfighter is launched from the Strategia, also jam-packed with heavy defense forces. Where the initial landing force comprised mainly Robotic Assault Troopers, Cyborg Infantry anf Heavy Infantry, this landing ship is pakced full of Heavy Armor.

The legions of GT Enterprises approach the perimeter of the defense crossfire grid around the Hut. Woundwort, Renegade, AZ and the Angel of Death lead the front. The first double blast from a pair of Heavy Armor units does not kill them, but sends them flying away into different directions. Angel tries to flap her wings, but they seem to be rather scorched from the explosions. Then the legions charge.

Even heavy crossfire from the Heavy Armors can't stop them from reaching the Hut's perimeter and engage in a short-range streetfight.
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
-Stargate SG1
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Agent Zero drapes his arm around Angel's waist and the two slowly approach the hut, flanked by War and Famine (Pestilence having taken a sick day). The troops surrounding the Hut, paralyzed between their fear of death, incredible urge to kill, and desire to run into the Hut and get something to eat, standy idly by as the four near them. As they walk past, the nearest of the troops begin pitching over as the life/energy is sucked out of them. The four enter the Hut, and the troops, freed from their paralysis, turn to assault the Hut, only to have the combined Legions of Heaven and Hell descend upon them. A horrifically bloody battle ensues, during which no one notices the stasis-field collapse down to surround only the Hut.
The first notice anyone gets of this is when the combined armed forces of Renegade, Mac, Woundwort, Raging Deadstar, as well as the fleets belonging to Agent's One thru Nintey Thousand Six Hundred and Five blot out the night sky and engage the forces defending the Hut...
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

StrategiaInUltima said:
Erm... no divine or unholy shield could even approach the strength of a modified Peacekeeper Command Carrier with hyperdimensional shielding. The Divine and Unholy is unique per universe, and thus count for only one universe (or in this case dimension too), but my shielding connects hundreds of dimensions with all their universes at the same time... meaning it's better than a Holy Hyper-Shield Generator.
Trust me, it's a very very very very bad idea to start arguing about the Divine with Angel. You'll lose. Badly. I know I have, many times.
The COMCA is gone, dude. Let it go...
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:33 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

One of Agent Three Thousand Four Hundred and Seven's battlecruisers takes a direct hit from a B-Destroyer and spirals out of the sky, landing squarely on top of the Hut, which still surrounded by the static field, was unable to do anything except sit quietly and get smushed. The battle stops suddenly as both sides realise it is over. The Hut is gone, as quickly and unexpectedly as it arrived. But it's short existence has given hope to many, and perhaps soon we shall see a new Hut, for just as the Cantina has been destroyed and rebuilt innumerable times, this saga is just beginning....
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Old February 17th, 2005, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: The Won-Ton Violence Take-Out Hut

Just realized me and Angel were inside the Hut when it got smooshed. Bugger. Gonna take me some creative storytelling to get out of this one...
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!
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