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Old September 24th, 2006, 03:44 PM

BBegemott BBegemott is offline
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

It is possible to quickly toggle through filters and layouts by pressing CTRL+F and CTRL+L.
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Old September 24th, 2006, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

Here are all the cheat codes and what they do:

allsysseen = Current Player has seen all solar systems.
allempseen = Current Player has encountered all other players.
omni = Current Player is omnipresent in all solar systems.
money = Add 100,000 resources of each type to the Current Player's treasury.
research = Add 100,000 research points to the Current Player.
alltech = Current Player gains all technologies.
fastbuild = All construction queues get 1,000,000 in accumulated resources.
nomaint = Current Player's empire no longer pays maintenance.
intel = Add 100,000 intelligence points to the Current Player.
restoresupplies = All of the Current Player's ships get full supplies and ordinance.
collisiongrid = Show the collision grid in combat.
showstats = Show statistics on the selected combat object.
retrofit [design name] = Retrofit the current ship to the new design.
repair = Completely repair the currently selected ship.
allplayershuman = All players set to human control.
viewallcombats = All combats are shown on screen.
restoremove = restores selected ship's movement
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Old September 25th, 2006, 03:47 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

Captain Kwok said:
They're pretty small...
Ridiclously small, actually. Seems Aaron listened to the Starfury "all the ships and sats are too big!" complaints.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 04:03 PM

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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

nah they are good. there just needs to be a way to see them. maybe a glowing arrow above them?
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Old September 25th, 2006, 08:46 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

The scale of SE V is completely different than Starfury. You need to be able to see what is happening to many ships at once, so of course the view is further out and the ships are smaller. In fact, we've been asking him to let us zoom further out!
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Old September 25th, 2006, 09:13 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

Baron Munchausen said:
The scale of SE V is completely different than Starfury. You need to be able to see what is happening to many ships at once, so of course the view is further out and the ships are smaller. In fact, we've been asking him to let us zoom further out!
When the scale is such I can't *see* drones/sats without zooming in, there's an issue. They need to be larger, or there should be a marker to indicate their location.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

They should scale with the zoom. That's the way Homeworld is.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:21 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

Or, also borrowing from homeworld, have little boxes around the units.

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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

General Tips

(1) [MOUSEOVER TOOLTIPS] Take the time to read the help text from the mouseover tool tips. There are a lot of tips in there (since they can easily and quickly be changed via the text file) that have continually been updated with each subsequent patch that you probably (won't) find in the manual.

(2) [CUSTOM LAYOUTS] Known them, love them, enjoy them my favorites for max information on what I need to know to make decisions: SHIPS LIST for moving ships (picture - only for ability to reduce row height and add more rows per screen, Name, Movement, Damage, Supplies, Fleet Name, Status Icons); PLANETS LIST to send colonizers (Name, Size, Type, Atmosphere, Values, and Time to Arrival); CONSTRUCTION QUEUES LIST for updating queues (Picture, Name, Colony Type, Items under Construction, Time to Completion, Status Icons); COLONIES LIST to check cargo/facility status on change colony type as needed (Picture, Name, Colony Type, Facilities (current & total), Cargo (current & total) and Status Icons.

(3) [MOVING] Hotkey "M" for moving - lifesaver each turn

(4) [PRIMARY SCREEN HOTKEYS] Get to know the major hotkeys for primary subscreens you use each turn (Log = SHIFT + L, Research = SHIFT + R, Ships = SHIFT + S, Queues = SHIFT + Q, Colonization = SHIFT + P, Designs = SHIFT + D, Intel = SHIFT + I, Diplomacy/Empires = SHIFT + E and Finances/Overview = SHIFT + O)

(5) [END OF TURN DIALOG] Leave the end of turn warning dialog box on - that way it will warn you when you have unallocated points, ships without move orders and unanswered messages

(6) [SYSTEM DISPLAY] Leave in empty queue notice, but turn off the full queue (no need to have them both). This way the empty box will appear on the system display when you have an empty queue. Also, I like to turn off WPs since they are on every planet, but keep on others that work into my logistics system (sats, troops, fighters, mines).

(7) [CYCLE ALL SHIPS EACH TURN] Use the spacebar to cycle through ships without orders each turn. It will quickly select that ship so you can give it orders.

(8) [REMOTE LOAD/DROP] Key hotkeys for your logistics system. I find the defaults hard to remember, re-designate to what you like and use.

(9) [RETROFIT, SURVEY, QUEUE, COLONY TYPE] More hotkeys that I use regularly "CTRL + E", "/", "Q", ";" respectively.

(10) [WAYPOINTS] Currently designated with CTRL + #, and send ships to by simply pressing the #. No current way to rename them, but its on our list

(11) [SPOUSAL TIME ALERT] Clicking on the header bar over the star date will reveal whether its time to attend to your spouse or kids. Also, clicking on the resources will cycle the intel/research points and your normal resources.

Hmm, that's it for now.
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Old September 26th, 2006, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: SE:V Tips & Tricks

maybe im stupid and have been missing something all these years, but the first thing i do in a SE4 game is to set all my options. empire options, display options, turn ministers off, etc. etc. its irritating, and sometimes i forget some.

SE5 has MORE of these options and, while I do like them, i'd also be really keen for there to be a way to save them from game to game. So when i started a new game, it would remember my settings. Or I would be able to load them with my empire or something.

Maybe theres a way to do this in SE4 and I just missed it, but more importantly, does any one know if this can be done in 5?
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