Re: Phoenix Pyre odd damage
You think that phoenix pyre is nasty? Try MA Pythium and use a pretender with very high fire and some astral. Buy loads of those really cheap communion guys and try this:
Pretender scripted to phoenix pyre, ethereal, personal luck, fireshield, cast whatever spells you want.
A couple of spread out communicants with either flying boots of an air shield item (both if possible)set to attack closest(or attack archers/rear if flying).
Your pretenders buff's make them very hard to kill and, once they close with the enemy they go pop all over the place and cause all sorts of havoc. If you had multiple forts you could get loads of these guys per turn and send them out, another option would be:
Pretender set to communion master, phoenix pyre, fire shield, evocation, evocation, retreat
3 Theurgs (with that item that autocasts commumion master) each casting a different buff (ethereal, luck, quickness ect)
As many un-equiped cheap communion gusy as you can buy, quickness means they dont need to fly and with the buffs getting out before phoenix pyre they shouldnt go pop from missile fire too easily.
Im going to test this later on (ive already tried a weaker variation on it), i'll post my results here.