Why didn't armor of virtue work?
I had an annoying thing happen to me in an MP game. I had kitted out Igarak the arch devil to take on my opponents SC's with armor of virtue, thinking that if he got the first shot in, the opponent would go to inferno, and if the other guy hit me first, I'd teleport back home, no loss. But what happened was the opponents tartarian titan chopped Igarak up with three hits while the devil was busy scything skeletons.
Does armor of virtue have some restriction that it doesn't work for demons? Here's the full set of items Igarak and his opponent had:
Igarak: Vine shield, wraith crown, boots of swiftness, armor of virtue, ardmon's soul trap, amulet of resilience.
Tart: Picus's axe of rulership, shadow brand, horror helmet, shroud of the battle saint, chi shoes, stone bird, amulet of antimagic