I just came home from watching MATRIX RELOADED!

The theater was packed. I had to buy my ticket ahead of time to get in on the opening night.
*** Warning Spoilers ***
What is going on in this movie?

I'm going to have to see it another few times to understand what in the world is happening. They introduced so many weird characters with some mysterious purpose connected to the Matrix, and it's all so cryptic. They added too much weird stuff, and I must say I liked the first movie better.
*** Major spoiler warning ***
OK, so Neo is having nightmares about Trinity dying. He can fly around and he's freed a bunch of people from the Matrix, but doesn't know what he's supposed to do, being the ONE. Neo fights some upgraded Agents. Nice fight scene. The machines are drilling through the earth to Zion, and there's 250,000 sentinels on the way. So far so good. Then Morpheus makes a big speech to the people Zion telling them to not be afraid and so on. There's too much of this scene where the crowd of Zion people are screaming and dancing and waving their arms about. That went on for a long time. And Neo and Trinity sneak off to be together. Then there's the stuff with the Zion commander not liking Morpheus and so on. Things were slow during the Zion parts.
Then Neo goes to see the Oracle. This is when things start to get weird. Neo is tested by a guy named Serif or something, who is another special A.I. like the Oracle, and there's a really cool fight scene between Neo and Serif. Then Neo sees the Oracle, who tells Neo all sorts of cryptic stuff, and tells him to find someone called the "Keymaker". Then Neo fights with Agent Smith who somehow is now disconnected from the rest of the program and is now free from control, now working independently. Somehow he gained the ability to create tons of duplicates of himself (no explaination how this happened). A lot of fighting here, Neo against dozens of Agent Smiths. But the fights here had too much of a video-game feel to them, too much flying and moves so impossible that they looked way too unrealistic.
Then, later, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity meet this other guy who likes mixing French in his speech, who seems to know an awful lot about everybody and how the Matrix works, and he's got these twin white guys working for him, guys who can turn into non-solid form and fly and pass through solid objects and stuff. By now I'm getting confused trying to understand who all these new guys with special powers are. Anyway, the Keymaker turns out to be this little man who has a big collection of keys and he's constantly cutting new keys. He knows how to get into a back hallway for the Matrix, with thousands of doors that lead all over the world, a secret passage within the program. Apparently, Neo, being the ONE, is supposed to go through a special door that leads to the source of the Matrix or something, and then the war with the machines will be over.
Anyway, lots more fighting and car chases and explosions and shooting and so on. Finally, Neo goes through the special door and meets the "Architect", who is the A.I. who designed the Matrix. He says that the prophecy is a lie and that the ONE is not supposed to end the war, and that there where other Ones before Neo, and that Zion was destroyed five times before, and so on. By this time I am totally lost and I am not able to follow the complex explainations.
Anyway, back in the "real" world, outside the Matrix, Neo seems to have developed the power to control machines or something, but he goes into a coma. ... stay tuned for Matrix Revolutions for the conclusion! Huh? I'm going to have to see this movie again to figure out who all these weird guys are, who seem to be independent A.I.'s with different motives and purposes and so on, and how they all relate to the Matrix.
By the way, if you watch through all the credits at the end of the movie, they show a preview for Maxtrix Revolutions.