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Old February 18th, 2004, 01:28 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

One on one the Borg cube kills them all.

but then we would end up with something like Darth Borg. Now that I think about it, the SW guys were well on the way to being borg

Think about it
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Old February 18th, 2004, 01:36 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

DW planatiod versus borg cube?

the fifth empire had 99,999 or thereabouts of those things. i say they would have wiped the floor with the borg, especially once they perfected those super-missiles.
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Old February 18th, 2004, 01:56 AM

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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

It depends on the crew. SG1 consistantly destroys Mother Ships.
Does that count?
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Old February 18th, 2004, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

Grudge-match.com has done some interesting match-ups in the past, good for laughs if nothing else...

USS Enterprise vs. the Death Star

Borg Cube vs. "Independence Day" mothership

Bablyon 5 vs. DS9

USS Voyager vs. Battlestar Galactica
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Old February 18th, 2004, 02:31 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

the enterprise would destroy the death star by the end of the episode. I, proffeser Narf, will now demonstrate why:

Death Star - Big, Evil Thing Of Death.
Number Of Big, Evil Things Of Death the Enterprise has blown up - I've lost count.

This has been a lesson from proffeser Narf.
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Old February 18th, 2004, 02:35 AM

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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

I say it is up to the crew. If you swap out the crews of the ships the results would be the opposite.
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Old February 18th, 2004, 02:59 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

Heh, I'd say the Argo (or Yamamoto...) would kick all thier collective butts

And the Enterprise/Deathstar thing has been disproven by many a Trek geek as the Enterprise is made of an alloy that is 'immune to laser fire' (according to many a published tech manual...)...so the Deathstar's TurboLASER batteries would do absolutely nothing

And to the ultimate sci-fi ship I'd have to say either Unicron or the SDF of Robo-Tech fame...

[ February 18, 2004, 01:00: Message edited by: Deathstalker ]
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Old February 18th, 2004, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

That is like saying a bullet proof vest is immune to all bullets because it can stop some of them. How about a big bullet, with tons of force behind it? Now compare a piddly laser to the very high powered ones used by SDs and such... the ST ships would have no special immunity to such lasers, and certainly not to the Death Star's weaponry.
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Old February 18th, 2004, 03:08 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

Originally posted by Deathstalker:
Heh, I'd say the Argo (or Yamamoto...) would kick all thier collective butts
which sci-fi universe do those come from?

ok, as much as i like trek, i'd have to say that, realistically, the death star would crush the enterprise. the only thing the enterprise has on it's side is a franchise and technobabble. which would allow the enterprise to crush the death star.

how about we run down the list from biggest to smallest.

i say a David Weber planetiod would win >any< battle. as someone else said, gravatonic warheads which can blow a >planet< apart, antimatter warheads, massive energy weapons which cause any material they encounter to instantly fission, crew of up to 250000! so those death-star storm-troopers can board any time and get blown up by troops in REAL powered armor, grav guns, hyper-ray guns which make things disapear, plasma guns, plasma grenades, hyper grenades, not to mention fifth emperium light, meduim and heavy tanks and any one of those >light< tanks could probably take on the whole military of today's earth and win! and this isn't counting their parasite warships, one of which did battle with an entire system defence system! admitadly, it was civilian built, cobbled together and was designed to keep out plague ships, but still!

I'm willing to concede that it needent be Dahak, so the other ship/base/whatever wouldn't have to face a fully >senteint< warship.

anybody care to counter that?

did i mention multi-dimensional shields, computer fold-space communicater uplinks in the crew's brains and that it can achieve 70% of light speed, about 800 times light-speed under E-drive(don't ask me to spell it) and several thousand under hyper-drive? and that it's E-drive, which relies on converging black holes, can cause a minuture super-nove if their near a sun? or the cloaking system? admittadly, once they get within a few light-minutes of another >planatiod< they can be detected, but a borg cube, death star or ID4 mothership would be bLasted apart before they could even get close enough to see it, much less fire at it, since the missile's have a range of what? 17 light-minutes?

[ February 18, 2004, 01:33: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
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Old February 18th, 2004, 06:26 AM
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Default Re: OT - How would sc-fi ships do in battle against each other?

no contenders? to bad. i guess it comes down to it or the magog worldship...and the worldship would have to get close enough to put unarmored and almost unarmed troops on board. it's toast.

i don't know how the Electronic Warfare capabilities would stack up.

for the death star/borg cube/ID4 mothership catagory, i say a DW Superdreadnought (Pod) is in the same catagory. i'm not sure how many missiles it could fire, but i think it's a total of 700, fired from pods rolled out the back of the ship. true, it's way out of the death star's tonnage at only 8 million tonnes, but what Honer Harrington would do is bombard the thing with missiles from a measly 2LM away, well within a MDM's 3LM range. which can go to 9LM at half-acceleration. so, she bLasts all the main guns to smitherens. after that, i admit it would take a long time to blow up a death star, even with an SD's guns, and it might come down to wether she can blow a big enough hole to reach the reacter before the smaller guns blow her ship up. but all that assume's there's no fighters. sigh. unless it has those new bow and stern sidewalls and she keeps them up to blow aways the fighters, there's no chance. and that would give the death star time to come in range.

anyone else get the idea i think DW's ships are the coolest? at least technically. Enterprise is the only competition.

Borg cube: ok, a borg cube isn't out of the weight range of a 4km long ship. in fact, i think the SD(P) may be larger. i think the SD(P) has a huge range advantage still, but even a manty SD(P) can only accelerate at i think 450g's. so, without bow and sternwalls, it would come down to wether the SD(P) could blow apart the borg cube before it came in range to shoot at the bow or the stern of the SD(P) or adapted. atvantage: Borg. definitaly. with bow and sternwalls, it would come down to wether the borg could adapt. i think that ones even. they might be able to adapt their shots to deal with the sidewalls, which are just focused gravity fields. can't remember if there in the 100's of g's catagory or the 1,000's of g's catagory.

ID4 mothership: ok, it's huge. about the length of the moon. i'd guess it would go about the same as the death star.

so, ok, it isn't quite up to the weight class, but it's definitly the plucky short guy. but i think the borg might be in that catagory to.

[ February 18, 2004, 04:27: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
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