
March 7th, 2004, 10:36 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Hee...hee!!! Nothing like a good off-topic, off-topic thread.
Originally posted by Randallw:
...Also Last time I saw Days of our lives someone was possessed by the devil.
Edit: boy, is this thread getting off topic.
Yes...it seems that they've been big on possession, witchcraft, aliens, and the like lately. Desperate for a little whiz-bang I guess...tho it's still the same ol' melodramatic, let's-stretch-one-episode-into-twelve routine.
Originally posted by geoschmo:
They did one in the pilot. Major Carter was talking about some rig job they did hooking up the Stargate and she said they "MacGyvered it"...
Awesome! I guess I'll have to give the show another half star...or half thumb...or whatever.
Look it's Abbie!

March 7th, 2004, 11:33 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Maybe 'Soap-Opera' is the wrong term for comparison. Personally I think we just all got sucked into the 'Cliffhanger' effect. Where we just got to know what happens in the next episode. Even though each episode is not directly linked like a true cliffhanger, our love for the characters gives it the same feeling.
hmmm, "Just one more episode,.." "Just one more turn,.." hmmm it looks like some of us carry our SE addiction into other realms of entertainment.


March 10th, 2004, 05:02 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
omg... i just saw episode 22... omg omg omg omg... i want season 8 already.... omg omg omg omg.

March 10th, 2004, 06:57 PM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Season 7 ending, it's like wow... one of the best endings. And now to the waiting of the season 8 and Stargate Atlantis... They are too far away :/
- Good wombs hath borne bad sons...

March 11th, 2004, 02:24 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
I like Stargate too. But here in Belgium, they are not kind to any kind of science fiction show. They seems to buy it to fill air time and they reschedule it every so often. It really ticks me off. They did it with Voyager, Stargate, Buffy, Angel and other show. I HATE THEM.
Hehe, i feel better now 
A Se++ GdY $++ Fr+ C++++ Csc Sf++ Ai** AuO M MpT MpSk MpFd S--- Ss- RV Pw Fq Nd- Rp- G Mm++ Bb++ Tcp+ L++

March 11th, 2004, 03:29 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Here in Tasmania its not so bad with Stargate. The free to air channel showing it puts it on at a reasonable time like 7.30 or, it starts agin this week, 10.30. The other channel which shows Star Trek and showed Babylon 5 though doesn't appear to care much about sci fi. When a new program starts they usually have it in prime time, but by the second season its on at about 1 o'clock in the morning, and they aren't interested in keeping up to date. They still havn't shown the final season of Voyager and we have had Jeri Ryan on Boston public for 2 seasons.

March 11th, 2004, 04:19 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
In the US network television seems to delight in creating a sci-fi show and then placing it opposite another sci-fi show on the same night, so that an already limited audience is split on which to watch (and keep going for another season).

March 11th, 2004, 04:29 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
The great thing about stargate sg1 is that it is produced in Vancouver BC. That is only about an 8 hour drive from here.
It amazes me that they have come up with so many excellent stories over the years, and how each story often ties in with another one.
I am saddend at the death of Dr. Fraiser at the hands of the guled, but I guess that is to be expected at one point or another. The killing off of a popular character.
I would like to see more episodes with Jonus Quin (sp) in them even though he is back on his home world.
I recent bough season six on dvd and I have to say that there were many fine eposides in that season.
I do however feel the season finally should have been two hours long and had a lot more depth to it. Not really there fault as they thought the show was over.
I will enjoy the new stargate spin off and I hope that we get to see the Promethius again in both shows. For an ugly ship, it sure is beautifull.
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March 20th, 2004, 05:06 AM
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Re: OT: Stargate
I was right. Nuff said. (look at original post)
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March 22nd, 2004, 03:12 PM
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Re: OT: Stargate
Originally posted by Atrocities:
I will enjoy the new stargate spin off and I hope that we get to see the Promethius again in both shows. For an ugly ship, it sure is beautifull.
I missed how they got this ship. I wonder how they managed to get their hands in such an awesome ship. And they even have death-gliders now, when I remember rather clearly that O'neil and Teal'c almost got space-cooled the Last time they tried to fly one of those gliders.
Obviously, I have missed several episodes. 
[ March 22, 2004, 13:13: Message edited by: Yef ]
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