Here goes nitpicking.
- Emperor Titles - Queen Augustus has a period after the name
- I notice only 4 race types available, I assume you're working on the rest
- Please update history in readme, makes our lives easier
- You might want to consider raising the cost of Infantry. On my HomeWorld on the first turn I can build 330 of them, I don't know if you think that's too high or too low, but for me it's just a little high, given they affect planet happiness as well... Perhaps make them slightly more powerful in damage resistance but at a significantly higher cost. Or raise the number of troops / happiness, but that's well... radical. WOOOOH! Happiness from Happy to Jubilant in 1 turn.
- Racial trait +2 movement points is a little overpowered. I see your engines generate .5 movements each, so were you thinking of 2 points = 1 real movement? At 1000 points that's one trait i'm always gonna take, great for all situations including combat =P
- Hmm on all AI options being strong, they spend their first turn on an escort, then 62 (!) satellites, just a little overkill? Perhaps you could tweak them to build less, and newer Versions more.
- typo: An unfortunate accident resulted in a plethora of radioactive "materails" being spread about the planet...
- typo: Our empire has "herd" rumors of an ancient alien city on this planet.
- ERrrr oh no. My new colony with 4M population has only 80 80 80 construction rate? 47.5 years to build a space port.
- Bug: On high technology, your homeworld colo tech starts at level 1, but the other techs are already at 3.
- Are there a lot of alien ruins, or is it just my imagination? on a medium map I'm counting no less than 50 (!).
Okay that's all for now. Need to get back to studying
Addicted Abdiel