PBEM Question - CC2:DF (demo)
A friend in Italy and I just ordered CC2: Danger Forward (Gold Edition) and while we wait for the games to arrive, we are using the demo to play by email. However, something we're doing must not be right and so I must ask a question:
The file the game generated after my opening turn as allies was called "demo01gaxis(startofturn).ceg" and I then mailed it to my friend. My friend used, on the opening screen, "take email turn" (instead of "open demo") and selected the file I sent and the game opened. He completed the german turn and then saved the file when prompted. It was labeled, "demo02gallies(start ofturn).ceg" He sent it to me and I saved it in the pbem folder. However, when I start the game by selecting "take pbem turn," and click on the allied start of turn file, I get a popup window saying, "you are not authorized to play that side." What is wrong here? Can any one help? I cannot play my second turn as the allies at this point.
Thank you for any help!
Bob in New Mexico, USA
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