
October 28th, 2003, 09:58 AM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
Originally posted by Richard:
We could be getting hammered.
However how long did it go before the timeout? If your on a slow connection it may be our settings for keep alives on the web server. How long did it go (tota) in minutes before timing out. You might also want to try a download manager.
No, I've downloaded larger files before.
I'm on an ADSL line, and the Last two times I tried downloading the file, it stopped after about 58 MB, with a "cannot read the file" error. This is both with Mozilla under Linux, or Internet Explorer under Windows Me; the download speed varied between 30 KB/s and 62 KB/s, so it's clearly not a time issue since.
Has anybody managed to fully download the linux (x86) Version recently? I alone must account for almost 10 of these 200 downloads of it... 
[ October 28, 2003, 08:12: Message edited by: PhilD ]

October 28th, 2003, 10:25 AM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
More precisely: I just tried downloading the linux (intel) demo, and here is how it failed (with the Mozilla downloader):
The download stopped with 58112KB downloaded, at 61.9KB/s and with 3:42 minutes supposedly left. I'm pretty sure that most of my download failures ended at the same 58112KB.

October 28th, 2003, 11:21 AM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
Tried it again today. I got much better download speed, but the download still stopped early. Got to download more bytes than yesterday though. Stopped at 56360960 bytes today.
On the second try I got this size: 56594936 bytes. It certainly seems abit too strange to be a coincidence. And it quit after 15 minutes and 56 seconds.
The complete download is supposed to take about 21 minutes for me.

October 28th, 2003, 11:42 AM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
I got the timeout error with the windows demo yesterday. I don't know any specifics since it was my girlfriend who did the downloading. She just mentioned that there was somekind of timeout error and that she had to start the downloading again. The second try worked fine.
I don't know if this has anything to do with your problems, thought just that i should mention this.

October 28th, 2003, 12:03 PM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
Tried the Mac OS Version a few times, and that didn't work. The first 2 times I tried with a download manager- it reported download speeds of up to 120k/second, which is a bit suspect on a 56k modem. When the download completed, I got errors unzipping it- it would stop the unzipping process about halfway through, telling me something about "unknown compression method". I'm using the latest Version of StuffIt, which should have no trouble unzipping a .tar.gz file.
Tried the 3rd time just using my browser, and it just kept downloading, even after it should have had the whole thing. I eventually stopped it once it downloaded 74 out of 70.3 Megs. Same unzipping problems.
Thought it was worth mentioning. It's rather frustrating, especially on a 56k connection where 70 megs takes about 4 hours to complete.
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October 28th, 2003, 03:27 PM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
New update: I tried another download, and it stopped at 58034KB. So it's not always the same spot, like Johan said, but it's disturbingly similar from one attempt to the next.
Edit: Another attempt, this time I monitored the time elapsed while the download went on. It stopped at 16:01, so it might be that there's a timeout at 16 minutes somewhere.
16 minutes for a 71 MB download is just a little over what one can expect, on a quiet day, on an ADSL link...
[ October 28, 2003, 14:15: Message edited by: PhilD ]

October 28th, 2003, 04:09 PM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
Here is an alternative link for those that have no luck with the original one:
I hope it works ok! 

October 28th, 2003, 04:32 PM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
Download complete!
Thanks a lot, Johan.

October 28th, 2003, 04:54 PM
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Re: Linux Intel demo has major problem
OK, so now I have the Linux demo. Cool. Except I get unplayable performance (under 1fps at lowest quality setting, 800x600), whereas the Windows Version on the same machine runs very smoothly at the next-to-best quality setting.
I've got an Nvidia GeForce 4200 as a video card, and they normally do a good job of providing their drivers for Linux; so I'll install their latest drivers and just hope it makes a significant difference...
Edit: Yes, it does make a difference. The game plays about the same under both OSes, like it should.
[ October 28, 2003, 20:53: Message edited by: PhilD ]
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