List bumped.
1. Tweaks/Easy changes to implement
• Darker colours/textures in unit displays
• Alignment of stats in unit info screens
• Pre-made Gods for New players
• Newbie 'get started' guide
• Quick start game for Newbies
• End/quit/save/host button remake
• Bless effects more prominently displayed when creating a God's magic
• Actual effects of scales explained when creating a pretender's scales
• Line between commanders and regular units in recruitment screen & titles for each
• More details on exactly what different effects mean (e.g. exact benefits of mountain/forest/swamp survival, etc.)
• Able to quit battles using ESC
• When selecting commander from F1 screen, have the commander be highlighted when it jumps to him
• X axis labeled in score overview graph
• Message in top left when Commander is killed in battle
2. Additions of relatively minor features
• Castle battle results
• '?' accessible on main menu
• Research point 'lock' for schools of magic
• Random nation AI opponents
• Map and Scenario triggers [not sure where this was mentioned]
• Ability to rename, or at least add epithets to commanders
• Enhanced start (starting with more than one province)
• Ability to close screens without having to scroll down or press ESC (e.g. Windows-style [x] or 'Exit' button
below instead of
at the end of scroll-lists)
• Unit names in addition to icons in recruitment/deployment screens
• Detailed breakdown of mixed squads in deployment screen
• Detailed lists of losses (most importantly commanders)
• Right-clicking commander gives you list of troops under his command
• Build queue for commanders
• Shift-click to add higher multiples of units [e.g. 5 at a time] in recruitment screen
• Build queue doesn't charge you for units which won't be built that turn
• Ability to turn off pre-battle zoom animation
• Number of local defense force killed show up on battle report (even though they're automatically replaced)
• Ability to enter new subscreen (F1, recruitment, etc.) without ESCaping out of the current one
• Hostile borders different colour than province borders within your nations [don't know if this is possible or not]
• Keyboard selection (hotkeys or something else) for every command available with mouse
specifically including:
• Keyboard command to select next commander within province, even if he already has orders.
• Ability to scroll lists with arrow keys instead of mouse
• Keyboard interface for research screen
3. Additions of relatively major features
• SP diplomacy
• Increased battle replay functionality (various speeds, etc.)
• More than one god for each nation
• Moddability
• Ability to search for items on commanders
• Battle Sim
• Enabling/disabling spells (see Windreaper's post in this thread for details)
• Translucent filters for map instead of icons (for dominion strength, production, province defense, etc.)
4. Balance considerations
• Improve Strategic AI
• Bug fixes
• Less focus on supercombatants
• More regrowth possibilities / less emphasis on population death
• Greater 'bless' effects (starting at an earlier level/increasing exponentially rather than by addition/magic cheaper in general, etc.)
• reduce effectiveness of artillery-like spells (esp. in hostile dominion)
There haven't been a lot of new things recently... If it's quiet between now and tomorrow (friday) I'll go ahead and get that poll rolling. Once again, read over the list and see if everything makes sense to you; ask if it doesn't.
I might be good to sticky this topic, as Saber Cherry suggested. Even after the poll it would be helpful to have a central place to post requests - besides, this topic was made at Kristoffer's request (he probably wanted us all to see how much we're asking for

PhilD & Chris Byler: Is the current explanation adequate: "Ability to close screens without having to scroll down or press ESC (e.g. Windows-style [x] or 'Exit' button
below instead of
at the end of scroll-lists)"?
[ October 31, 2003, 05:15: Message edited by: st.patrik ]