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Old January 5th, 2004, 08:54 AM

ExitJudas ExitJudas is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

hehe! this is awesome! I'm still waiting for my copy of the game to arrive by mail. Keep the battle reports coming!
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Old January 5th, 2004, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

Great writing. Now run those seamonsters back to where they came from.
Go Mictlan!
And those emmigrants had it comming. Should have known better than to up and flee.
Edit: Yep I knew it was a random event, but very well written on your part.

[ January 05, 2004, 16:58: Message edited by: Bossemanden ]
EU2 1.08beta, HOI 1.06/CORE 0.81, Vicky 1.03 (and Beta), Dominions II 2.11
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Old January 5th, 2004, 05:04 PM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

For the strategically minded, here is a short run-down of my Marignon war :

I was quietly building up before attacking, when I noticed they went off to bash some indies, specifically a province with five dark vines. They lost the battle, and most of their heavy infantry (I had a scout there, and enjoyed the show). They tried again, won, and followed up by attacking two more provinces (one with vine ogres, one with more dark vines). All in a straight line from their starting provinces. Net result : they lost half of their army, including most of their heavy.

Sensing an opportunity, I had by that time brought all my forces. I had a two to one advantage in numbers on their conquering army, now split in three, and about equal quality (mictlan troops at their best being about on par with a heavy-depleted Marignon army). Plus, they wouldn't have raised provincial defenses yet.

So I cut them off with my first attack, then defeated the surrounded army, which led to total destruction since they had nowhere to retreat to. Then I divided their three remaining provinces in two isolated ones, but found out they had bought themselves more armies, and the remaining province defences were tough. So I paused a few turns to bring back reinforcements of my own, defeated their counter attacks, and went in for the kill.

It Lasted from turn 21 (first attack order) to turn 29 (Last province taken). Even with a 2 to 1 numerical advantage (at least) in all battles, I suffered heavy losses, almost always more than they did. I was fielding slaves and cheap warriors
in good numbers, plus lots of archers/crossbows, but nothing even close to heavy, and no sacred troops (capital too far away).

I clearly took advantage of an opportuniy there, if they had not lost so many troops (and the better quality one to) to the indies, I would not have attacked so soon.

Now, for the future : so far, I have mainly expanded by rushing opponents who were off balance, and funneling all resources to ensure they went down and stayed down (well, Pangea still sent the occasional Call of the Wild, but a provincial defence of 10 can handle it). My blood economy is pathetic (actually, so is my gold economy, turmoil 3 and forests and mountains don't help) My research is very backward, I have drain +1 and haven't found a library, si I have no descent researcher, the only good thing is my +1 bane +2 lamia income.

So I feel I really need to focus on building my economy for a few turns, and am doing so. Anyway, I don't want to shoot up in the province graph before I can handle it. But I also need to choose a target for my next expansion, and the choices are :

- Atlantis. They hold 3 provinces that should be mine. I can kick them back into the sea whenever I want (they are not heavily defended), but keeping them there afterwards will be difficult, and following them there is for the moment impossible.

- R'lyeh. They hold 4 provinces I want. Basically, the situation is the same than with Atlantis.

- North America, i.e. Man, Jotunheim, and Caelum. Caelum is fairly weak, but is not my neighbor. Man and Jotunheim split the rest of North America between them, and I am technically at war with both (they declared war, not me). But the new territory will be very difficult to defend, unless I aim for the whole continent. The good news is, they can be kicked out, and I won't have to worry too much about their coming back.

Oh, Atlantis in R'lyeh are ahead of me in most categories, so is Man, Jotunheim is barely ahead, Caelum is overall a little lower.

And to conclude, a newsflash of the situation in the rest of the world : Pythium has been kicked out (by Machaka and Ulm), Ulm has taken the capitals of Ermor (for which my thanks), Pythium and Vanheim (I think), and Machaka should have the other Pythium fortification. Ulm is doing very well, top in income, close to top in provinces, will make a nice challenge later... All this is from observing the graphs, I could of course be wrong. Pangea and Marignon are now bottom, and probably doomed.

Oh, and the population leaving was a random event (I have turmoil 3 and luck 1, I do get some nice gems almost every turn, but I have to take the consequences) that happened to happen (can I say that in English ?) the same month my serpent friend joined me. At which time I learnt (from his description) that he was the Lawgiver, my predecessor (from the Mictlan empire description) that I had unfortunately killed in my first post. Hence, the new heart. After all, we are both blood mages

[ January 05, 2004, 15:10: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]
Read my Mictlan AAR :
A tale of Fire and Blood (in progress)
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Old January 5th, 2004, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

>- Atlantis.
>- R'lyeh.

I suggest avoiding conflict with the water nations unless you have the ability to pursue them into the water. Otherwise you will have to defend yourself from endless attacks from the sea.

Frankly, if they go to war with you before you are ready, your situation is bad.

>- Man and Jotunheim split the rest of North America between them, and I am technically at war with both (they declared war, not me).

There is nothing "technical" about it. If they declared then you are at war. They are your first things to deal with, since they will attack you with armies if you and they share any borders.
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Old January 5th, 2004, 06:56 PM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

Originally posted by apoger:

>- Man and Jotunheim split the rest of North America between them, and I am technically at war with both (they declared war, not me).

There is nothing "technical" about it. If they declared then you are at war. They are your first things to deal with, since they will attack you with armies if you and they share any borders.
True enough, except that the borders we share are very close to my capital and starting provinces (40 provincial defense) and very far from their recruitment centers. I am, therefore, relatively secure and can afford to ignore them a little longer. In fact, Man has been at war with me for 20 turns, and has yet to launch more than a token attack.
Read my Mictlan AAR :
A tale of Fire and Blood (in progress)
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Old January 5th, 2004, 11:01 PM

SurvivalistMerc SurvivalistMerc is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood


I am noticing that in my current non-Mictlan game. It is quite annoying as one sea province borders quite a number of land provinces. They can attack almost anywhere.

I am building up a sea force, but it isn't easy. And it looks as if my sea units are going to get wiped out. I haven't found those cute little land amphibians...icthyds?...despite controlling 80+ percent of all coastal provinces.

I was planning on more land conquest...but Atlantis declared me. And they have every sea province but one...the one I have.

I thought triton troopers were the way to go...but they're not. Numbers prevail over quality troops in the sea, it seems.
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Old January 5th, 2004, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

>despite controlling 80+ percent of all coastal provinces.

Check for a special site called a shambler reef. It allows the recruitmet of shamblers. They are expensive, but it does offer acess to the water.

Keep in mind that water mages can go underwater anytime, and can take a small number of troops with them.

Other than that you may have to rely on magic items that allow water breathing, or the summoning of sea trolls.

>I thought triton troopers were the way to go...but they're not. Numbers prevail over quality troops in the sea, it seems.

Two issues.

1- Many of these guys have poison weapons, so numbers do help since strong troops fall eventually to the poison.
2- Since tritons "fly", combats with them often allow one side or the other to get access to their enemies commanders.

You can often "cheese" the computer AI by setting high armor troops up front which absorb the attention of incoming tritons (usually) and having a group of your own underwater flyers attack rear, which will often catch enemy commanders (who hold back from combat). This can lead to short battles if it works right.
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Old January 8th, 2004, 05:11 PM
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Bossemanden Bossemanden is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

Now to not only make this post a bump, then I´ll ask for a chapter more of this AAR.
EU2 1.08beta, HOI 1.06/CORE 0.81, Vicky 1.03 (and Beta), Dominions II 2.11
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Old January 8th, 2004, 05:23 PM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

Coming in in a few hours

With :

- The Entre Rio "We love our God" reeducational program, with particular focus on traditional religious ceremonies
- The treacherous attacks by Man, following our preemptive retaliatory strike, and in particular their use of Angels of Mass Destruction
- The "Voice of our God" massive research program.

and perhaps more...
Read my Mictlan AAR :
A tale of Fire and Blood (in progress)
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Old January 8th, 2004, 08:21 PM

General Tacticus General Tacticus is offline
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Default Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

The Entre Rios "We Love Our God" Reeducation Program

It had been 3 month since the final defeat. It had been three quiet months. Of course, it was not peace. That would have been unthinkable. No, Mictlan was still at war with four different nations. But Pangea and Marignon where on the other side of an ocean, and not a pressing concern. As for Man and Jotunheim, the other two nations at war with Mictlan, they were bickering in North America and generally leaving Mictlan alone. A vast program of reforms had been started, with most of the southern armies making their way back to the capital, several fortresses in construction, and a few temples and labs planned. Serious thought was been given to a complaint by the priesthood that there was a lack of quality material for proper ceremonies, which accounted for the slow progression of the Mictlan faith in newly captured territories.

At the top of the Most Holy Temple, Tacticus Sanguinus, Quetzalcoatl and Mictlipoctli were discussing the situation, when the majordomo came in. He took three steps, knelt, and bowed his head.

- Yes, what is it ?
- O Most Glorious Lord, the head priest of the Sun, your prophet, wishes to speak with you of an important matter.

The God frowned. This was unprecedented. He had made it very clear, on several occasion, that nobody in his right mind would want to interrupt him and ask to speak with him. There had been several importune nobles, at the start of his reign, that had tried to gain favor by coming in with carefully composed flatteries. He had driven the lesson home, untill they took it to heart, that he did not like to be interrupted frivolously.

- Well, send him in, and let’s see what he wants.

The prophet came in, and kneeled very carefully, like a man who knows he doesn’t dare make a mistake.

- Forgive me, My Lord, but an important event has taken place. Somebody has just put a great burden on every living soul on this disc (the Great God had not yet gotten around to revealing to his followers that the World was, in fact, round. « They are not ready », he had said only Last year to the Feathered Serpent). Everybody is aging at an accelerated rate. Already some of the troops are suffering from various afflictions.
- Everybody, including our enemies ?
- Yes, My Lord.
- Well, then it actually plays in our favor. I do not care if my arrow fodder loses an arm or an eye or two. They’ll still do very well at catching arrows, and I can get some more whenever I want. Plus I have a few undead troops that are immune. Those pretenders out there are going to suffer more. No problem.
- Yes, My Lord.
- But you were right to bring this to me. You may keep your heart.
- Thank you, My Lord.
- Who did this ? I thought Ulm had Ermor squarely on the defensive, and was using Ermor’s pretender for arrow practice ? And Pangea and Abyssia haven’t played with death recently, so who is it ?
- It is Jotunheim, My Lord.
- Jotunheim ? Are you saying they are busy giving afflictions to their expensive, slow to train, very hard to replace giants ?
- Yes, My Lord.

The God looked at Mictlipoctli and Quetzacoatl, and laughed. Mictlipoctli joined in, but Quetzacoatl looked a little worried. The prophet was dismissed, and they prepared to resume their conversation, when for a second time that night, the majordomo entered.

- What is it this time ?
- A runner has just come from Entre Rio, O Great and Powerful God. He says he brings an urgent message.
- Ah, the tedium of running an Empire. Bring him in, and bring me my jade knife while you are at it.
- At once, O Most Unforgiving One.

A young runner was soon introduced. He was dirty, and shaking from both exhaustion and fear. Behind him knelt the majordomo, with the jade knife.

- Forgive me, O God, but I was ordered to report to you as fast as possible.
- Speak.
- O God, a few weeks ago, various trouble makers started spreading vile rumors in your peaceful province of Entre Rios. And one week ago, 3000 people took their belongings and left your domains. The Priest King of Entre Rios sent me at once.
- Left ? Where to ? It will take them months for them to reach my borders.
- O God, there was a Marignon flotilla waiting for them just beyond javelin range, and they boarded the ships and went.

The God considered this a while. This was getting troublesome. Some sort of example would have to be made. With a gesture, he dismissed the runner and the majordomo.

- What do you think ? I can’t have my people just leaving me.
- I think, O My Lord, that you have a public relation problem, said Quetzacoatl.
- What do you mean ?
- People do not properly realize how lucky they are to live under such a wise ruler as yourself, O My Master. They see the taxes and the occasional brigand, but not the stability and the prosperity.
- And how should I change that ?
- Well, I think we should start with the people of Entre Rios, O My King, here are my ideas....

The next morning, the runner was summoned.

- You will take a Divine Proclamation back to Entre Rios. Go see my majordomo, and see that you learn it well, I want not a word changed.
- Yes, O My God.

The runner was so relieved to have kept his heart, that he nearly stumbled on his way out. Only a quick reflex saved him from this unforgivable breach of protocol, and the jade knife.

By Proclamation of the All-Knowing and Allmighty, Tacticus Sanguinus.

The dreadful plight of the habitants of Entre Rios has particulary touched Us. To help them recover from the terrible experience they have just had, losing so many loved one to foreign treachery, We therefore order :

- The habitants of Entre Rios shall indefinitely be exempted from all taxes to the Church and to the Empire.

- Three regiments shall henceforth at all time patrol the province. To make sure they act with all due kindness, the soldiers of these regiments shall be recruited among local people. Three loyal tribal kings have been sent for this purpose.

- Each and every child shall have acess to free and mandatory education. A number of priests are been sent for this purpose. They shall tutor the children in history, social responsability, religion, and the importance of abstinence before marriage.

- All unmarried people, regardless of wealth or rank, shall be granted the opportunity to serve their God, and the priesthood, in whatever capacity they are most suited for.

- A temple and a lab shall be constructed next to the fortress. All funding shall be provided by the Empire.

Rejoice, faithfull people, for the days of trouble are at end !

And thus in the following months ten priests (including a high priest of the sun), and three tribal kings, were permanently assigned to Entre Rios, and the devotion of the population increased tremenduously.

[ January 08, 2004, 18:24: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]
Read my Mictlan AAR :
A tale of Fire and Blood (in progress)
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