Not quite so off topic as you may think...
Anyway, our friends 8yr old son got this game for his birthday. Its risk on a LotR map with some special power cards and strongholds and sites of power and whatnot. It really made me think of a dumbed down board Version of Dominions. The added rules to play LotR risk vs. normal risk add some interest to the game as well (think alternate victory conditions, and not the cheesy type in Risk Generals or whatever they called that one). So if you've not seen it take a look if you can find it.
More to the point though, the map was really cool, and would lend itself very nicely to a LotR Dom2 map. It already has territories, seas, mountains (for boarders), sites of power (for placed gem sites...), fortresses (for fixed starting postions), and it just looks good, at least I think the translation to a .tga would look good.
Just thought I'd throw that out there for the LotR fanatics around here, and to maybe find someone who has the time and resources to find this map (if it exists electronically already) and do the, what I would imagine is a quick, conVersion to a Dom2 formatted map.
edit--- found a link with a pic of the board
Well actually the board I saw was about twice as big. Apparently there are several different Versions of LotR risk... who'da thunk it
edit2--- here's a link to the big board I saw, its got pieces and junk on it, but you get the idea. Its a ToysRus/amazon link though, I'm not trying to pimp them ok
[ January 20, 2004, 16:28: Message edited by: licker ]