What other things would be fun (and viable) to wish for? Wish is mainly a SP end game spell, so I can't see these being too unbalancing.
My #1:Why can't you wish to better your scales? If I type in "Lucky Dominion", it'd be neat if it bumped my Luck up a notch (up to the maximum).
"Curse (other nation name)" to cause another gods provinces to have their local scales change negatively (random -order, -luck, - growth, -production, etc). This wouldn't change the god scales just the provinces in his dominion scales, so it would reset after a couple of turns.
"TimeStop (province number)" to cause a province to become temporarily isolated by normal travel methods. No troops in, no troops out...
"Fog of War" to cause all your troops to gain global Glamour for one turn. Does not affect units in battle, but the enemy will have no idea of any of your troop positions sizes and placements for one turn as if you only had troops with Glamour (like Vanir). Perfect for launching a massive backstabbing offensive
"Omniscience" to give a one turn "Eyes of God" effect that hits every province as if it was in your dominion.
"Magic Sites" to give a one turn "Strands of Arcane Power" like effect (find sites in your dominion), and if the caster's current site does not already have the maximum number of sites, creates a known 4th level site there.
"Militia" to give all provinces in your dominion a 2d6 (open-ended) increase in province militia.
"Cure" to remove all curses, horror marks and afflictions for all units in the caster's province, and restore all units there to 2 times normal HP (as if a 10 dominion strength Gift of Health was cast).