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Old April 10th, 2004, 11:47 PM

PrinzMegaherz PrinzMegaherz is offline
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

Do you know MUDS (mean ugly dirty sports). That was a great sports game.

Or Speedball 2. God I loved that game.
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Old April 11th, 2004, 02:20 AM

HotNifeThruButr HotNifeThruButr is offline
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

I turned 14 in February, so I'm in the lonely little age group of 15-. I remember downloading Masters of Magic off an abandonware site once, and it KICKED ***! You gotta love them Adamantium hammerhands.

*puts on asbestos suit* I thought all the old games were supposed to be simple and crappy.
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Old April 11th, 2004, 04:19 AM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

I'm 26 years old. My first experience with Strategi games was on commodore 64 with the legendary game 'Defender of the Crown' . *all hail Defender of the crown*
Wow, I'm 28 and I think that's my first Strat game too (for the Amiga). There was another one too based on Japan.. Lords of the Rising Sun I think. Cinemaware was the best series of games!
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Old April 11th, 2004, 08:54 AM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

I am 28 and my first computer game was F19 in about 1988 I think. I was playing it on very bad rip-off of IBM PX XT, called "EC-1840". (it didn't had hardrive and come with monochrome Hercules-type display). These were the days...
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Old April 11th, 2004, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

I seem to be right in the middle of the most common age Groups (I'm 28), and I didn't even remember a lot of these games until people here reminded me of them. The one I've been expecting to see here was Temple of Apshai (or was it Legend of Apshai-dear god I feel old) for the C-64 (sweet commodore cartridge games), and Rule Babylon, a great old text-based kingdom sim.

I guess it's nice to know that I'm not alone in having been a hopeless gaming addict all my life.

Oh, and I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Warlords? Warlords 1 got me into hot-seat gaming, and for some obscure reason, even in this age of ADSL and multiplayer, it still bothers me when a turn-based game does not have hotseat. Without hotseat, how can you role-play AND wargame at the same time?
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Old April 11th, 2004, 08:23 PM

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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

There were several Apshai games. I believe there were both Temple and Legend games. Warriors of Apshai sounds familiar too. I'll have to go looking around some day. I remember having fun with them waaaaay back when on my C-64.
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Old April 11th, 2004, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

*g* I think I still have Archon, The Ancient Art of War, Wasteland, Articfox, Pinball Construction Set, The Seven Cities of Gold and others of that era on the original 5.25" floppies. Not that I've used a 5.25" for a while...
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Old April 11th, 2004, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

Originally posted by HotNifeThruButr:
I turned 14 in February, so I'm in the lonely little age group of 15-. I remember downloading Masters of Magic off an abandonware site once, and it KICKED ***! You gotta love them Adamantium hammerhands.
Better than hammerhands - adamantium (or even mithril) berserkers with a few spells cast on them. IIRC, they were 8 to a unit, multiplying the benefit of all bonuses, and they had a thrown attack, meaning that one of the best foot/melee soldiers could also attacking flying units. Awesome.

*puts on asbestos suit* I thought all the old games were supposed to be simple and crappy.
Heh. The graphics were crappy, but the gameplay was often wonderful.

LodeRunner, for instance - unbelievable quantity of hours playing that, trying to figure out how to beat the different levels. Or Wizardry - graphics that could've been done on an EtchaSketch, but addictive enough that I bought a copy before I owned a computer - $70 in, mmm, 84? Sometimes had three of us playing at the same time on computers in the office, including a staff sergeant who made fun of us for games until he tried it.

Or Sword of Aragon, in some ways one of the original precursors to Dominions....
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Old April 11th, 2004, 10:46 PM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

Originally posted by Murph:
I seem to be right in the middle of the most common age Groups (I'm 28), and I didn't even remember a lot of these games until people here reminded me of them. The one I've been expecting to see here was Temple of Apshai (or was it Legend of Apshai-dear god I feel old) for the C-64 (sweet commodore cartridge games), and Rule Babylon, a great old text-based kingdom sim.
I thought that Temple of Apshai sucked, personally... Telengard was better. But ... cartridge games for the C64? I had a C128, bought with reenlistment bonus money; it had a floppy. A roommate had the C64 - something like 15 minutes to load Apshai from cassette tape.

Oh, and I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Warlords? Warlords 1 got me into hot-seat gaming, and for some obscure reason, even in this age of ADSL and multiplayer, it still bothers me when a turn-based game does not have hotseat. Without hotseat, how can you role-play AND wargame at the same time?
The original Warlords was one of my Favorites - I still wish they'd include it as a bonus on one of the new Versions. Lots and lots of hours playing it hotseat - weekend parties, beer, whiskey, loud music, and constantly someone taking their turn at the computer.

A classic really, because all the different nations played with such different flavor, and most had several possible "key" strategies. Orcs rushing for a couple of cities to the south, Bane all alone in the NE, elves sandwiched between giants and the knight nation... I wish I still had that one.

Heh. Something else we used to do for hotseat games, of Warlords and Anacreon (a great text-based sciencefiction 4X game) was to play at work, with 3-5 games at once, so people almost never had to wait for a turn. The brass thought we were dedicated, 'cause there'd often be someone there to answer the phone and give tech support long after duty hours.
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Old April 11th, 2004, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: How old are Dom2 players?

Originally posted by Taqwus:
*g* I think I still have Archon, The Ancient Art of War, Wasteland, Articfox, Pinball Construction Set, The Seven Cities of Gold and others of that era on the original 5.25" floppies. Not that I've used a 5.25" for a while...
Played or owned all of those, but definately don't still have any - finally ditched boxes full of 5.25 floppies a move or three ago. If you could find a computer with a 5.25, odds were that a given disk couldn't be read; if it could be read, odds were the game was unplayable on faster CPUs - some you couldn't even see more than a blur of action on screen.
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.
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