
June 27th, 2004, 07:26 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
thumbs up.
im puttin up server, all right, but theres some things to solve before thats heppening. im going to put up a linuxcomp for a server and things like that. maybe day after tomorrow.
somethings about the game settings. its going to be ,independents 7, normal riches, only few magic sites (35. normal is 40), aran map. 8 to 10 humanplayers. no comps. only newbies without serios mp-experience are welcome  or maybe some veteran could join in and try extremely bizarre tactics..
i think it would be a good idea to blitz first 20-40 turns in one night/morning/evening/day depending on which timezone you are at. and after the blitz one turn every 24h. or faster if everybody involved maakes their moves.
i`ve heard bad things about clamhoarding and vampire queen. they are Banned in some mp-games (so i read from the threads). could somebody explain why are these things so vicious. vampire queen is obvious (but she was remade in the patch, so is she still too powerful for mp-games?), and what is this thing called clamhoarding? if its very bad, then its Banned.
any requests for the game?
and yeah, no quiters, castlers and cheaters plz.
fools make mistakes..

June 27th, 2004, 07:47 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
That´s good news!
I'm a really newbie, and never played MP, so I think I qualify for this game
I think it's a good idea to make the first 20-40 turns in the same day, but could it be in the weekend please?
I don't have any idea about what is clamhoarding 

June 27th, 2004, 08:27 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
good news
clamhording is the following :
there is a artefact which is called clam of pearls . you get it with conjuration 2 .
you need water 2 to forge it . cost is 10 gems . it is a misc item .
it produces 1 astral pearl each turn .
i tried it now in my current single player game as atlantis . if you are left alone after 40-50 turns this is really devastating . i have now a bonus income of 120 astral pearls at turn 60 .
but only atlantis is really good at it ihmo .
they have 5 water pearls / turn from capitol site and water 3 national mages .
only other nation with water 2+ national mages which you don't get only via lucky random magic pick like ryleh is caelum . but they have only 2 water pearls / turn from their capitol site and are not quite unattackable in the beginning like atlantis .
so i would suggest building clams is allowed . only if someone really plays atlantis we should think about it . but for everybody else it will be like +10 astral pearls at turn 40 so that is not that bad
concerning the vq : i know that it was weakened in 2.12 : forbidden for ermor , cost increased from 110 to 150 and dominion decreased from 2 to 1 . so i would say if anybody wants to take a vq pretender he may
is ermor ae or sg allowed too ?
what do you mean with no castlers ? cause depending on which nation i play with some i choose the watchtower and when i chose the watchtower i try to build one in most of my provinces .
if i instead play a nation with good national troops i mostly choose the castle and so i build not many of them .
but if anyone chooses the watchtower why should he not be allowed to try to build one in every of his provinces ?

June 27th, 2004, 09:34 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey) *DELETED*
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June 27th, 2004, 10:06 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
Clamhoarding is the general practice of building the Clam of Pearls or similar items, harvesting the income, alchemizing it BACK into the source material, and then producing more clams. In order to really qualify as "hoarding", I feel that the reverse-alchemy is the criteria: If you only build them with your natural, useless water gem income, you're not really hoarding.
Sooo ... would you say that clam hording is broken or not? How about if Atlantis is not in the game? I suppose that gives another advantage to caelum and they don't really need it!

June 27th, 2004, 10:10 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
quote: and what is this thing called clamhoarding? if its very bad, then its Banned.
Clamhoarding is the general practice of building the Clam of Pearls or similar items, harvesting the income, alchemizing it BACK into the source material, and then producing more clams. In order to really qualify as "hoarding", I feel that the reverse-alchemy is the criteria: If you only build them with your natural, useless water gem income, you're not really hoarding.
[/QB] what other items are there to hoard gems ?
i remember reading in one post there is one with earth gems anything else ? and is one as profitable / cheap as clamhording ? and which nation do you think is best for clamhording norfleet ? i read a post were people said you are the expert for this ( and for most other things too but especially for this and ermor/vq )

June 27th, 2004, 10:11 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
The reason I am asking is that I am considering starting up a new game ( if I can find somewhere to host it .. I do have static IP's but my old linux box is dead and I really don't feel like going through the pain to setup another one ).

June 27th, 2004, 10:41 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
hey ho silver! players ahead! well met!
by castling and clamhoarding i mean everything stormbinder says in following thread. i would not like to see this upcoming game turn in to a show off of a few hardcore gamers, who know how to get the best of the game. knowing the flaws and faults of it. and by this message i dont intend to start a flamewar between different schools of players. i, myself, am more of a roleplayer type of gamer. so if you agree with almost everything that stormbinder says about the game ethics in following thread, then you are welcome in my game. this game is meant to new players. i have not played dominions2 multiplayer before and sure as hell i dont want it to end like the one i`ve taken for example.
as for the ermor question. i have no answer. i`ve never played multiplayer before, nor have i played ermor in singleplayer. only experience of
ermor is though easy comp. and it kicked my *** big time.. vampire queen is okay.
so as i`ve said before. i dont know much about setting up a good, balanced game. but if somebody knows the basic houserules for a enjoyable multiplayer game. then please share thy wisdom with i and i`s friends. does somebody know good restrictions to clamhoarding?
maybe the first houserule could be that you follow the link. read the thread through. and then decide that do you want to take part to this upcoming game.
it would be nice if gods would have names that sound like names of gods. so no n00b or AzzFuKz kind of names  you all know what i mean. and by newbies i dont mean the ones who have not played the game versus comp. you have to know how the game works, not getting your god killed in very first rounds.
as for the starting time, we have to discuss that later. next weekend i`m off to countryside, so thats out of the question.
-drool, the drooling god. one with many, and foolish enough to take ulm with black forest theme as his chosen nation.
fools make mistakes..

June 27th, 2004, 11:07 PM
Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
As a general rule you should not play by a set of rules unless you've played by them before and can attest to their veracity. It would bode very ill for MP newbies to start playing with rules around "no castles, no clams, no pretenders that have more than 10 hp" because once you would like to play in other games, it's going to limit your choices, because the greater percentage of players think those rules are precisely *for* newbies, and if you can't learn how to fight against them, then you will always 'lose' because of them.

June 27th, 2004, 11:35 PM
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Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by JDScherrey)
Originally posted by Boron:
and which nation do you think is best for clamhording norfleet ?
I'd have to say that the "best" clamhoarding nation would probably be Atlantis: It has a large starting water gem income, national mages that can forge clams out of the box, and easy access to a random Earth-2 on a King of the Deep for boots, and then hammers. Furthermore, it has an underwater position that is difficult for other players to attack. R'lyeh shares many similar characteristics, as well as having effective things it can do OTHER than hoarding clams, but Atlantis still takes the prize on pure clamhoarding.
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