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Old September 3rd, 2004, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

I will put this here just because it seems like the right place for it. To me this is a scarey Bush..

I finally found a decent link to a quote I kept hearing.
> "If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world
> will drift toward tragedy," Mr. Bush said, implicitly but clearly
> comparing himself with Mr. Kerry. "This will not happen on my watch."

When that short statement is broken down I find it one of the scariest things Ive ever heard Bush say. That if AMERICA shows UNCERTAINTY and WEAKNESS in this decade then the WORLD will DRIFT toward tragedy. He wants America to be firm and strong in keeping the world from drifting? He is proud that Iraq is now free and democratic. He makes snide comments about Iran and North Korea. I just think all-in-all this is a worrisome statement from the guy who wants another 4 years to finish what he started. Sorry but Im just not big on America fixing the world on MY watch.

Oh yeah, decent link is here...
short link here..

Gandalf Parker
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Old September 4th, 2004, 12:39 AM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

It kinda does anger me about what Kerry did, putting words in Chaneys mouth like he did, but its understandable that things like this are going to keep happening as we get closer to Nov.

As for M. Moores movie, well I wish he would put all of his skill and heart into making a documentary on the horrors that just happened in Russia where the terrorists blew up the gym and tried to kill all those inocent children.

I honestly doubt that we will care about reports of abuse of terrorist in Russan prisons if connected to this case.

My god what has the world come to when sicko M---er F---kers like these sick bastards go after children?

God what a horrible thing. And yes, even if it were a school of Afgan or Iraqi children accidently hit by a bomb, I would still say that it was a horrible horrible tragedy.

Even if kids are packing AK-47's and shooting at US soldiers, all other options must be taken before the choice to shoot back is decided upon. However the children in Russa were not combat victims, nor were they armed, they were inocent kids doing what kids do, and they were targeted and executed by people who have just taken the word TERRORIST to new unforgettable lows.

Whoever wins in November has a duty to not just the US, but to the world to keep going after terrorists and those who support, harbor, and secretly protect them, even if it means going after Saudi Arabia and Iran.

What a sad day this world has come to when children are dilibrately targeted by terrorists.

And I have to agree with Chaney on this, I do not think the terrorist will be impressed by our softer, genteler side. They respect one thing, and that I am afraid is unconditional brute violent force in all of its unbridaled fury.

I hope the Russan's can save the wounded, find more alive in the rubble, and prevent this kind of atrocitie from ever happening again. I know that we here in the states will now take extra care to watch our schools.
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Old September 4th, 2004, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Atrocities said:
Whoever wins in November has a duty to not just the US, but to the world to keep going after terrorists and those who support, harbor, and secretly protect them, even if it means going after Saudi Arabia and Iran.
I have not problem with how TERRORISTS are treated. Well I shouldnt say no problem. I think keeping them in other countries to do things they cant do to them at home, and not allowing even geneva convention, is abit stretchy for the good guys.

That phrase "secretly protects them" is the problem. Going into Afghan after Bin Laden I had no problem with. I guess it depends on how much you trust a few guys to tell us who is secretly supporting terrorists, and the US ignoring political lines to go anywhere on earth. If someone wants to harbor a pitbull for its own defense then fine, but they need to keep it fenced (in this case Im referring to the US as the pitbull)
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Old September 4th, 2004, 12:17 PM

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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

What kind of world? About the same as always. AT, the worst school "shooting" in the US didn't occur with guns at all. It occured around 1900 (IIRC) when a teacher loaded his truck with explosives and suicide bombed the school.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 05:01 AM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Say, Atrocities, may I just congratulate you on coming across very convincingly as a right wing nut case?

You love Bush, but you have no idea what's he has done to the military, to the people in the military, to politics (funding lying attacks against 3 war heroes from Vietnam, while dodging service there himself, just like - Cheney, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, and Perle, to name 4 massively prominent hawks in the administration. Bush approved of lies about McCain (whom I would vote for in a second), Max Cleland (lost 3 limbs in Vietnam, was the congressman who originally proposed a Dept of Homeland Security, which Baby Bush _opposed_ originally), and now Kerry), to the environment.

From 1989 to March of this year, I was with US Central Command, first as a Marine, then as a contractor. You might say I was paid to keep track of what was going on. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld hamstrung the war efforts, for political gain. They screwed up Afghanistan, then Iraq, and threw away the chance to actually nail Al Qaeda.

And some of Boy George's most celebrated stunts, like having Thanksgiving in Iraq with the troops? BS. Because of Bush, troops in Iraq were turned away from the chow hall and wound up eating cold MREs (Meal, Ready to Eat - pLastic bags full of nasty tasting food) for Thanksgiving dinner. Why? Because they only wanted good, safe, republican Bush-lovers in there. For security reasons, only approved, invited, troops were there.

Similarly, when he landed on the air craft carrier and the sailors applauded? They were ordered to applaud, and told not to applaud before they were given the signal. Again, a crock of BS, and on top of everything - the ship was ordered to stay at sea an extra day, so Georgie could get his photo-op, never mind the sailors who hadn't seen their wives/husbands, kids, etc, for over 6 months.

I'm not going by what was in the papers (although it was mentioned in some papers, but not often or loudly). I'm going by 1st hand accounts from friends in the military.

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Old September 15th, 2004, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Calling me a right wing nut case is not an accurate essement of me. I am neither right wing nor left. I merely dislike Kerry more than Bush.

I am voting for Bush because Kerry's stance on a few issues important to both myself and my way of life scare the hell out of me.

The rest is just politics being politics.
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Old September 15th, 2004, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Well, to be fair, he said you came across as a right-wing nutcase, not that you *are*, AT. You've proven over and over that you are capable of critical thought, which is a major thing lacking in all nutcases (right-wing or otherwise).

And you've mentioned these issues that Kerry differs from Bush on... but never said what they are. Care to enlighten us?
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Old September 15th, 2004, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Thanks Will.

I prefer not to discuss the issues important to me on a pubic forum at this time. But I will say that Kerry's recent stance on the experation of a recent law really does alarm me given the facts that he ignorned. Past that I will not discuss the topic.
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Old September 20th, 2004, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: Rant: Evil Doer\'s Strike Again.

Gee. The assault weapons ban? Personally, I might think that they fall well under the 2nd amendment, which was meant to allow the people to oppose tyrants and their own government. As a senior citizen who voted for Bush Last time said, "I'm so ashamed I voted for him. I did it because of gun control, even though I don't like guns, but now ... If someone isn't going to shoot Bush, what good is having guns?"

As I stated - Bush has screwed the military, he's screwed the authority of the states (which he campaigned for), he's screwed the economy, the environment, the war on terror, the war on drugs (he screwed both by deciding to go after Iraq for personal reasons instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan), he's screwed the middle class. The only things he's helped are corporations, the rich, Al Qaeda (albeit even I'll concede that he didn't _mean_ to help them), and the fanatical religious right.

For Christmas' sake, with a war on Iraq and terror going on, his administration is proposing a constitutional amendment against gay marriage. And putting 200 secret service agents to work cracking down on ... music pirates! Like Al Qaeda is financing explosives by sharing songs on Limewire. And let's not forget, Ashcroft deciding that no, states shouldn't have autonomy - not when it involves medicinal marijuana, not when it involves people's right to not suffer for years while hospitals and insurance companies get rich, not when it involves states attempted to enforce clean air laws that are tougher than the ones which Bush is gutting.
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