Greetings, Hunter of Dragons
1) Hmm, I don't think there is one currently. I haven't looked at modding lately, so I'm not sure what is available. I'll take a look and see if it is possible to quicky compile one.
Hmm, found something. Isn't this available in the modding doc (it is in mine, but I'm not sure if it is updated)?
Not sure if you want that. Experiment with the numbers to change sprites. Many of the missing slots are old sprites used in dom1. Old fireballs etc. There is no list available. I would have to open the sprite files and count sprites and numbers to get a complete list.
100 & 1 & Boulder \\
109 & 1 & Arrow \\
110 & 1 & Javelin \\
111 & 1 & Sling stone \\
133 & 4 & Fire swirl \\
137 & 4 & Frost swirl \\
141 & 8 & Multi colored swirl \\
210 & 4 & Lightning bolt \\
274 & 4 & Bane fire arrow \\
304 & 4 & Blade wind missile \\
313 & 4 & Sticky goo \\
339 & 3 & Evil death thingy \\
350 & 4 & Fire arrow \\
354 & 4 & Fire javelin \\
362 & 4 & Fire boulder \\
395 & 4 & Elf shot \\
403 & 1 & Blow gun needle \\
404 & 3 & Green gooey missile \\
411 & 4 & Throwing axe \\
416 & 3 & Web \\
419 & 1 & Vine arrow \\
2) Never heard of it. Hmm, found it in my modding doc.
10001 & Falling shimmering colors \\
10002 & Falling white \\
10003 & Falling red \\
10004 & Falling green \\
10005 & Falling blue \\
10006 & Falling light red \\
10007 & Falling light green \\
10008 & Falling light blue \\
10009 & Falling purple \\
10010 & Falling yellow \\
10011 & Falling orange \\
10012 & Falling cyan \\
10021-10039 & Few falling colors \\
10041-10069 & Rising mists \\
10101-10119 & Explosion \\
10121-10139 & Exploding gas \\
10108 & Cold BLast \\
10113 & Fireball \\
10141 & Rising purple \\
10200 & Curse \\
10206 & Soul Slay \\
10219 & Lightning \\
3) Unfortunately not, but you can use one of the units that gets modified magic and replace it with your own sprite and stats.
- Dragons (-2), red (215), blue (265), green (266), dracolich (644), carrion dragon (1026)
- Capricorn (-1) (1039)
- Siren (-1w land, -1a water) (1055,1054)
- Lady of spiders spider form (-1) (947)
- Sorceress Spider form (magic split in half) (898)
4) Honestly no clue.