Hello! This is a request to the Moderators only:
I want to set up an MP-game and need a neutral person of unquestionable integrity to randomly assign secret objectives to each player (similar as proposed in the 'pentagram diplomacy' thread, but no knowledge of this thread is needed).
If you agree to do the job, I will send you a private message containing 7 nations names and the email-address of each nation's player.
1. Randomly assign each nation a letter from A-G
2. Send an eMail to each player with the names of the two nations the letter points to in the following diagram:
That's it! We do
not need you again later on during the game, since we can reconstruct the distribution once the game is over. eMail is necessary since not every player is present here in this forum.
It would be very kind if some moderator would be willing to do this task. Thank you!!!
Let's say you assigned
Abysia to A
Caelum to C
Pangaea to D
so the eMail to Abysia's player should only contain "Caelum" and "Pangaea" and nothing else.