
January 27th, 2005, 01:27 PM
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Unit shadow problem
Hm now my troll looks ok but the shadow doesn't work .
I used 5 pixels deep and about 30 pixels long 255 0 255 pink with the code ff00ff in gimp but in dominions it doesn't show a shadow .
Onby the image of the troll .
I wonder why it doesn't work . Is there a maximum size for shadow ?!?

January 27th, 2005, 01:32 PM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
Make sure you do not have an alpha channel in your image. If you do then pink will behave just like ordinary pink.
Flatten image should do the trick of removing the alpha channel.

January 27th, 2005, 02:57 PM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
Thnx Johan unfortunately i don't understand what exactly you mean .
I have unfortunately a german version of Gimp and i don't find anything there what could mean "flatten image"  .
Can i change the language in gimp back & forth or do i need to install another english copy ?

January 27th, 2005, 03:09 PM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
I think IrfanView removes the alpha channel from tgas. Try opening the tgas with IrfanView and then just save them again.

January 27th, 2005, 04:17 PM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
I have now corrected it by remembering that i have an old adobe photoshop . I wonder though how it didn't work with gimp because my first shadow paiting worked but not the 2nd time .
And one other small problem : The base dominion shadows seem darker to me then my shadow .
So which shadow type should i use ? Plz just post the number .

January 28th, 2005, 06:52 AM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
Auf oberste Ebene rechtsklicken, dann "nach untern vereinen".
But that isn't the problem with the pic attached to the first post.
Most pixels of the shadow simply aren't FF00FF but significantly darker.
BTW, why did you attach an .jpg file ?
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...

January 28th, 2005, 08:47 AM
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Re: Unit shadow problem
Arralen said:
Auf oberste Ebene rechtsklicken, dann "nach untern vereinen".
But that isn't the problem with the pic attached to the first post.
Most pixels of the shadow simply aren't FF00FF but significantly darker.
BTW, why did you attach an .jpg file ?
Thnx Arralen .
You may only attach bitmap and jpg pictures , no targa ones  .
When i selected my shadow in gimp with the colorpicker tool it said though that it is FF00FF colour  .
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