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Old June 6th, 2005, 04:28 PM
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Default Future of the EU

Future of the EU

Now that France has rejected the EU constitution, what will the future hold? The Dutch have also rejected it and reports from Luxemburg seem to indicate that the elected government will have to be reformed if the projection holds up and they too reject it. My friends in the UK are telling me that it will never come to a vote before they assume the top seat this fall. As it stands now, it wouldn’t pass and they are telling me that in a case like this, it would be less than proper to have the vote at this time.

Anyone from across the pond able to give us some depth on this. Are the French just trying to improve their position, or is French Nationalism still having visions of empire. The Dutch have explained their position somewhat, and the reasons seem to be valid. But the reporting here seems to be avoiding the hard questions with the French. And here, it would appear that the government will soon move against some of the EU trade actions. It would seem that we were waiting for the constitution to be ratified and perhaps for the change of leadership after rotation. But the list of large corporations (read campaign contributors) with complaints seems to be forcing some sort of action sooner than later.

Think about it
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Old June 6th, 2005, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

My fingers have gone on strike, and refuse to write anything about this topic. Kidding aside, I have made a somewhat developed answer on another board, merely dealing with objections to the treaty itself, and to the way it was sold to those silly... to the most appreciated voters. Other interesting opinions about the Whole Thingy can be found in the same thread, though I was the only Frenchman on duty. Link is here .

A succinct summary: the treaty was about as clear as muddy water, with various articles reducing other provisions, among other things. A clear picture is very difficult to get, even for scholars of legalese and pol sci. Check your knowledge of the proposed treaty by answering the following questions: what bodies hold power in the proposed treaty? Who do we elect directly? Who is responsible before whom? What are the differences compared to the current system? How are decisions taken? (Special cases where unaminity is required must be mentioned as well, as per articles IV 440 and 441... or was it 441 and 442? and linked articles) I did not like the picture I got, but I cannot be sure I read (and understood) everything related to the political institutions. Still, it seems *very* odd to vote on something the average voter is unlikely to fully understand, given the awful presentation of the Whole Thingy.

The campaign was the yes was about as convincing as... Well, let's just say the no vote has climbed in the polls thorought the "official" campaign (starting in early May or so). The arguments were vague to say the least, there was not much in the ways of emotion, and some examples were simply wrong. Add to that the marginalisation of the naysayers, and the felt omnipresence of the yes campaigners in the media, and you have the recipe for a failure.

Two quotes from the father of the treaty himself, the former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (technically not supposed to campaign under French law); the effect of the quotes is kept, but I cannot recall their exact wording (it can be found if needed). "I would be the first to recognise the Constitution is a much better remedy for insomnia than most of the medecine they sell in drugstores." "The treaty could be cut by one third without removing anything important from it." Got to wonder why nothing was done to help matters eh? And a lovely quote from a right-wing meeting: "Only the decrepit old timers would say no". How persuasive.
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Old June 6th, 2005, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

Seriously, the EU is really just a bloated beurocracy that desprately needs to be reorganized into the first European World Empire.
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Old June 6th, 2005, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

JHC, how the hell can you know that for which you would be voting? It must have taken 40 thousand lawyers to write that thing. No way am I going to attempt to digest it. I do hope you guys can work it out. But please don’t crap all over my euros in getting it done. I would really hate to have to go to China to hedge my holdings. Not sure how I would place that order anyway. I guess I would just issue an order for “x” tones of 100 Yuan notes (sick).

Not to mention the lenghts they have gone to for counting money with their fingers.


Think about it
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Old June 6th, 2005, 05:49 PM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

The Dutchm valid reasons? Oh, trust me, I'm a Dutchman.


I'm not eligible to vote yet but if I was eligible to vote, I'd have voted YES.
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Old June 6th, 2005, 07:12 PM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

It does really depend on what the grand vision of the EU is? A united states of Europe, a trading block where you don't need passports or something in between.

We're long past option 2, you'd never get the UK to go for option 1 so it's probably option 3. Sadly half the guys who wrote the constitution wanted integration and the other half didn't. So you get grand statements of how the EU will rule the continent ignoring any form of democracy, balanced out by sub sections and articles cutting those statements back.

Result - A confused mess which would probably be used by the Eurocrats to extend their powers far futher than anybody intended. That was the previous EU treatys have meant anyway.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 02:46 AM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

Sorry, when I read the title of this thread I thought that it was going to be about the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU).
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Old June 7th, 2005, 02:52 AM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

Kind of like how the federal government in the US constantly encroaches upon the powers of the state governments, stealing more and more central power and authority with every passing year... I forsee the exact same thing happening with the EU if it is ever made to be more than a glorified Trade and Research Alliance.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 03:17 AM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

Imperator Fyron said:
Kind of like how the federal government in the US constantly encroaches upon the powers of the state governments, stealing more and more central power and authority with every passing year... I forsee the exact same thing happening with the EU if it is ever made to be more than a glorified Trade and Research Alliance.
Well said. Sooner or later all of us, those not associated with the power of Government, will be subservient to those who are. I fear that one day Government will give way to the corporate mentality that human beings are little more than a renewable resource cropped for exploitation. They say slavery has pretty much ended, I say that it has only just begun. As the margin between the worlds wealthy and poor continues to widen more and more "elite" people are adopting the "all about me" mentality turning their noses up at folks who have to work for a meager living.

But what can we do? As the population curve continues to accelerate toward the big 7 billion mark, the freedoms that many of us have enjoyed for most of our lives will begin to disappear in the wake of unchecked population growth.

There is no hope for a happy future, just one of more of the same or less than what we have now. Sure this is a gloomily view of the future, but the evidence is not lying to us. Its there for all too see. The future is gloomy and the only way people are going to be able to live is by surviving upon the hand me down hand outs of their elitist governments who's members have grown fat and decadent on the backs of the starvation and destitution that they have caused with their "Me Only" life styles.

The bleakness of a Soilent Green type of future is a distinct and real possibility whether we like to admit it or not. Sooner or later our ability to survive in an economic capitalistic environment will grow unattainable and people will begin to slip into poverty and ultimately utter complete destitution. It is already happening even though many of our governments deny it. If you deny something that is happening all around you, perhaps you can make it not happen at all. Those who subscribe to the ideal that nothing is wrong with our societies and our way of living are just kidding themselves. One day, and I fear it won't be that far off, say forty or fifty years, there will be another war, sparked not by the politics of nations, or even by the desire to control all that can be controlled, but by a far more simple source, the fundamental need to survive and to take what others have in order to do so.

Some will want what you have, and you will want to keep it. They will cloak their intentions behind a vial of lies, but when it boils right down to it, it will not be a war about ideology, religion, or even rights; it will simply be a war over greed. And when this war has been fought many times over, what will remain will not be worth having as our race begins to slip into extinction. And when the day comes that the last human on Earth draws breath, his or her death will not be an act of God, but an act of mercy. We will have brought this upon ourselves for allowing our faith in those we elect to lead us, blind us to the old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Old June 7th, 2005, 03:27 AM
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Default Re: Future of the EU

I do beleive things are going to get worse - Alot worse - Before they get better. But they will get better. Civilization goes in cycles.
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