We will get to the botom of this one, somehow.
What I really need to have for debugging is some idea of the steps needed to get to the condition (ie a reproducible fault).
Nb - you can have several installations on the same PC, it is just that you
MUST play your PBEM game in the exat same installation as you started it in. and basically with no file changes to that installation in the meantime (applies to both players
None of the following
- Changing file names to different PBEM slot numbers
- installing the game again to that path as that will reinitialise counters etc
- trying to play a turn in a different installation
- renaming the file path to the instalation in Windows or DOS etc
I have changed the file path comparison routine to be case-insensitive in the patch version (just in case for some odd reason something is returning the path in say uppercase only).
I have also added a routine to dump out some path and player details to a text file on loading a PBEM. This may help us debug any such problems in the future. The bug seems to affect only a few players (and I assume these folk know thier opponent and can verify the opponent has not done any of the above at his end ?) and only in some games. It may take a bit of time to track it down.
Unfortunately - none of our playtesters have managed to reproduce this problem, as yet.