
August 15th, 2005, 09:19 PM
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Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
Hi there, my first time playing Ermor, and I really like the idea of not having to recruit units. So, I figured i'd try either the Ashen Empire or the Soul Gate themes. After having a quick look at the summon quick-ref, I decided to try SG.
The main problem i'm having is I cannot raise corpses: i've tried with mages, (unholy) priests, my god, whatever -- the only thing I can see is a unit-order called "Call spirits", but this only nets me one unit per turn, regardless of the number of corpses available! I'm expecting that if I have 450 corpses and a powerful ____, I can raise more than 1 unit at a time...
Secondly, what's the best god-chassis to use? I've tried using the Vampire Queen but she's not spectacular. Any recommendations? I want a warrior chassis don't I?
Lastly, I couldn't find a single ermor strategy guide on the net. Anyone got any? SG or AE themes would be much appreciated!
Many thanks

August 15th, 2005, 10:56 PM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
Call spirits is the right order.
Only your unholy priests can do it. There's a table in the manual showing numbers. If you call the weakest type (Dispossessed spirits) you should get more than one. They require corpses. Apparitions and Shadows, you'll get less of, only one Shadow with the Tribune (Level 2 unholy).
You should be getting free spirits as well, including ghosts and shades and other interesting things. More if you have a high dominion, which you really should with any dead Ermor.

August 16th, 2005, 12:35 AM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
The table for numbers of undead summoned by Call Spirits is on page 21 of the manual.
Sometimes the summons show up in the garrison, and sometimes in one of the priest's squads, so check both places.

August 16th, 2005, 01:22 AM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
xaphod said:
Secondly, what's the best god-chassis to use? I've tried using the Vampire Queen but she's not spectacular. Any recommendations? I want a warrior chassis don't I?
Hmm, if you are playing a patch where Ermor can still use the vampire queen, she is the definition of spectacular.  A better warrior chassis you will not find.

August 16th, 2005, 01:48 PM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
Many many thanks all !
Quantum, we're still playing on 2.08; can you give me some suggestions on how to make the VQ so spectacular? What weapons/items to outfit her with?
Is she so great because she's ethereal?
... and sorry for being such a n00b, it's just that my big brother is about to whip my @!#, and I wanna at least give him a run for his money 

August 16th, 2005, 02:07 PM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
if there is any chokepoint into ur territorys put all your tribunes in there and reanimate like crazy. also how easy is magic research on?

August 16th, 2005, 02:29 PM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
Vampire Queen isn't great because of equipment, but because she can use so many buffs.
If you have a Vampire Queen with Earth for Iron/Steel Skin or Invlunerability and possibly Earth Power (reinvigoration), Air for Mistform and/or Mirror Image, Water for Quickness and/or Breath of Winter, Fire for Fire Shield, starting with death so cheap access to Soul Vortex... And keep in mind, some of those are easily gotten from very cheap items, like Luck and Quickness. She can also drain life without items. So, you can use her as a suicide-bomber, destroying all and everything on your dominion (Cloud Trapeze and her initial Flying help a lot), or equip her properly to have SC with all(?) possible buffs.

August 16th, 2005, 02:34 PM
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Re: Ermor: Soul Gate can\'t raise corpses?
xaphod said:
Many many thanks all !
Quantum, we're still playing on 2.08; can you give me some suggestions on how to make the VQ so spectacular? What weapons/items to outfit her with?
Is she so great because she's ethereal?
... and sorry for being such a n00b, it's just that my big brother is about to whip my @!#, and I wanna at least give him a run for his money
Well, lets see:
*She is ethereal
*She has regeneration
*She is flying
*She is immortal
*She has built in life drain
When combined with buffs such as personal luck, mistform, ironskin, mirror image, she can take immense effort to kill _once_... and then she is back next turn.
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