NTJedi said:
Endoperez said:
I happen to prefer enemies like Ermor not researching any blood magic... 
True... but Ermor can be made much worse if given one or more blood magic sites with blood income, given a handful of blood magic spells at the start of the game, and given an immobile commander with the magic ability to cast them.
Worked for me on giving Arcos this setup and Infernal Crusade... sure enough he had Juggernauts and Demon Knights attacking me mid and late game.
Even then, you aren't exactly waiting for AI to research those spells, are you? A Fountain of Blood, income of 3 slaves/turn, and Infernal Crusade (50 slaves) gives the AI a batch of Demon Knights every now and then, BUT ONLY if it doesn't use the salves for something else.
Would make for an interesting mod, any way. Or map, as all of this could also be accomplished that way.
mod: #reccom "Blood Summoner",
#startsite "Blood Income",
#school "Infernal Crusade" X Y (X is -2, IIRC, Y is nation number (Abysia 0, Machaka 16)
#setland XYZ (capital province)
#knownfeature "Blood Income"
#commander "Blood Summoner"