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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:24 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Turin said:
I´d wait for dom3. Since dom 2 is still being sold for fullprice, it doesn´t really make sense now to buy dom2 when dom 3 should be out in a couple of months.

The single player experience is probably better in civ 4, but you need a pretty good PC to enjoy it.
No, they lowered the price. And I would not count on dom3 coming out right away.
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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

yeah I wouldnt count on a few months for version 3

But I agree that its one of the best values around. Dom1 and Dom2 both lasted for years on my machines while I was loading and deleting the boxed/shelf stuff at a rate of about 1 a month
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Old February 17th, 2006, 12:44 AM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Gin said:

Could you be more speciific about the mods to add and where to find them please?

Gin, CB 5.2 can be found in the modding forum. First post in the conceptual balance thread should have the mod. But really I'm not the right person to ask about how to increase the SP experience since I basically only use SP to test out strategies for MP. People like Gandalf have more experience with just SP.
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Old February 17th, 2006, 02:32 AM

alexti alexti is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Gin said:
Is the single player really that bad? If so, I guess I'd better get Civ 4.

No, it's not that bad. There were good suggestion how to "help" AI a bit in the thread. Mostly, it's just that Dom2 really shines in multiplayer, so single player doesn't compare that favourably.

Do you actually *have* to choose between Dom2 and Civ4? You could get both, but if I'd have to choose my pick would definitely be Dom2. Dom2 lasted for me nearly 2 years, Civ4 - couple of months (it's ok, but there isn't that much depth there).
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Old February 17th, 2006, 07:44 AM

PrinzMegaherz PrinzMegaherz is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

I think you worry too much about what mods to apply to make the game more demanding when you have not even played it yet.
Trust me - Dominions is not an easy game and you will certainly loose the first few games. It is true that there are certain combos which the AI can't handle very well, but until you find those (which might take quite some time) there is no need to mod anything.

By the way, once you get good enough with Dominions, you might whish to play with other humans instead of AI only, which is actually much more fun.

I hereby order you to download the demo!
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Old February 20th, 2006, 12:29 AM

Gin Gin is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Well, thanks so much for all the excellent input.
I DID buy the game and play thru the 27 page demo/tuturial.
I don't believe I've played a game this 'deep' before so I'm wondering if there is a good article or two to help me grasp the subtleties better. I feel somewhat intimidated by the menus and all the info...especially the magic system.

Thanks again
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Old February 20th, 2006, 03:21 AM
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

In the beginning, try a nation that has simple magic. As an example, Man has Nature and Air, and not much else.

Nature magic:
Nature has some interesting summon (Conjuration) spells. Vinemen are cheap, and Vine Ogres almost as viable. To achieve Nature 3 of the Vine Ogres, you will want a booster. Construction 4 allows any of your Nature 2 mages to build Thistle Mace, which gives them +1 Nature magic. Construction 2 allows you to build Vine Crown, which makes both summons more effective.
Summon Animals is quite expensive, and the animals aren't very good in battle. However, if your capital is forest, mountain and/or swamp, you have better chance of getting something useful. (Press 'i' to check province information).
Nature isn't very offensive path. It has good support spells though: e.g. Eagle Eyes at Alteration 1, Personal Regeneration and then Regeneration at Enchantment, and Relief at Enchantment 6. The few Nature spells that can be used offensively aren't very good besides Charm, which can sometimes get you even mages!

Air magic:
Air, on the other hand, is very offensive. All offensive Air spell go right through armor. This could kill your own units as well, if Air magic didn't increase the casting mage's precision and allow you to cast Aim. Sometimes the mages cast Aim at archers instead of themselves or fellow mages, which isn't nearly as ueful.
With Air, you should go for Evocation. Lightning Bolt is probably enough for you.
As for items, Flying Boots are very useful. Air boosters are hard to get to, but once you get one, you can build another as well. Bag of Winds and Winged Helmet need Air 3, which means a lucky Crone or your pretender.

If you go for stealthy forces, you can use Conjuration spell Call of the Wild and Call of the Winds to drop Werewolf and his pack wolves or a pretty useless flock of Black Hawks to a province. Wolves are stealthy, and Hawks might be able to catch enemy mages, or at least slow down archers. They attack in magic phase, before normal movement or battles, though.

As Man, Longbowmen are your most powerful national units. Use them with a screen of shielded troops to hold back the enemy (Hold&Attack) while your longbowmen are firing at them (2 groups set at Fire Closest and Fire Archer, or Fire Closest and Fire -). Try to find out how far bacl the Longbowmen can be set, that gives you many more turns of deadly arrows.

When you start to have money and resources and want to do special forces, you can go for Stealth:
Wardens of Avalon are stealthy, Monks are stealthy and can bless them, Druids are stealthy and can keep their morale up AND, as spies, Bards can tell you of the enemy defences; in addition, one of your mages is stealthy. If you find province defended by a Druid, you can recruit stealthy archers as well.
You could also go for Knights. Your Knights of Avalon are very powerful, because they heal their battle wounds (rejuvenation). This allows them to collect lots of experience without becoming too weakened. You can have small groups quite early, and use them to attack e.g. enemy archers. However, don't overdo it - a lone knight will die, and if you recruit them too early, you can't afford mages and archers.

Sample build:
You could take e.g. a Phoenix with Fire 4, Air 6, an 80-point Castle, Dominion 5 and e.g. 1 pick in Order, Production, Growth and Magic. This would give you bonus in research, extra money and resource, access to Air boosters once you research construction, and early spell support. Air 6 gives your Wardens weak Air Shield, Fire 4 gives them +2 attack.

Early game:
Buy Mothers of Avalon, with one Crone if you have the money. Research Evocation 1. This gets your Phoenix few useful spells.

Early on, just recruit Longbowmen. Avoid provinces that have crossbowmen, knights, longbowmen or heavy cavalry. Try to attack provinces under your dominion; if your Phoenix dies in positive dominion, his Immortality saves him.
Send a Mother to search all forest, waste, swamp and mountain provinces. Pay attention to scales. If a province has Death scale, it probably has a Death site. Forests have more Nature and Air sites. Mountains and Wastes also have more sites than plains. Farmlands have only few sites. If a Mother doesn't find any sites in Mountain or Waste, search with your pretender. If no sites are found in Forest, Waste, Mountain or Swamp, search with Crone or with Thaumaturgy 2 Auspex and Haruspex.

More on magic:
First, lets go for Evocation. 1 gives him Fire Darts and Fire Bold; just have him Cast Spells. 2 gives him Flare and Sulphur Haze. They are good spells, but more useful for Fire 6 Air 4 than Fire 4 Air 6 Phoenix. Evoc. 2 also has Vine Arrow for your mages, and Lightning Bolt. Evoc.
3 would have Fireball and 4 Thunder Strike, which are more useful for this Phoenix, but Evoc. 2 is fine in the beginning.
After Evoc. 2, research Conjuration 3. Recruit a Daughter to summon Vinemen (use 'm', monthly ritual) if you have found any nature sites or have conquered Forest provinces. After 2 you can Summon Animals, but remember that different animals come in different terrain. Conjuration 3 gives your Phoenix Phoenix Power, +1 Fire magic for the end of the battle. It allows him to cast more Fire spells before fatique makes him unconscious (at 100).
You could also summon Vine Ogres, but don't. They are good, but not worth summoning with a Crone. Instead, research Construction. At 2, make your Vineman-summoning Daughter a Vine Crown. At 4, give her a Thistle Mace and change her to summon Vine Ogres.
They you can go for higher Evocation, then maybe for more Construction, or Thaumaturgy 2 (search for sites without leaving a lab!) or Conjuration (Maggots, Howl, Lamias, Lamia Queens).
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Old February 20th, 2006, 01:15 PM

Gin Gin is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Thank you so much for taking the time to give such a detailed response, Endo. I appreciate all this info.
I will try what you suggest and get back to you with any questions that arise.

PS-BTW, my login says I have a private message but when I go to the link there appears to be no pm. Any ideas?
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Old February 20th, 2006, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

I just sent you a PM. So now you should have at least one private message. Hope that helps.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 08:12 PM

Gin Gin is offline
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Default Re: Dom II, feedback please

Where do I set the indy strength?

Gandalf Parker said:

When you first start out I recommend setting the indepents strength to 5 or 6. The default of 3 will have the AI rushing you quickly
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