hoplitis said:
ATGM fires. Map shifts to ATGM general location. ATGM hex is highlighted. Map returns to initial position. OK. My problem is that in many occasions I can't actually pinpoint the location afterwards (during own turn). Any suggestions on what to do to use this feature more "efficiently"?
And don't tell me to have my eyes checked (I already wear glasses)
The game gives you "free" intel on the firing location of ANY weapon, whether you subsequently locate it or not. (In real life your tank often just goes BOOM and you have no other info
If it gets spotted (or reveals itself due to back blast), then you can see the unit. If not, you won't. You may get a smoke dischare in the hex - esp if several rounds are fired from the same location.
Take a note of the approximate area of fire from the unspotted ATGM, esp if it has shown smoke, and then pound the ground with artillery. If you missed it - you can always try the turn replay feature.