When you wish to design an AI Advance or AI Assault with the use of waypoint movement then you need to do a lot of testing, in order to achieve perfect coordination of the AI units movement.
You should also estimate and anticipate the reaction of the player and the needed combat time for each AI action.
The above is the essence of scenario balancing.
Most of the times, this kind of work takes a lot of time (even for small scenarios).
But how can anyone playtest a huge scenario, on a huge map?
This would require weeks of playtesting in order to ideally adjust the high strategy of the AI formations.
The secret in this process is to use a visible simulation of the AI movement.
How can you achieve such a thing?
Follow this process:
1. Buy only the HQ for Human player.
2. Buy normally the AI forces.
3. Deploy your HQ and modify ("D") his speed to zero (0).
4. Deploy the AI units / formations.
5. Arrange / designate the VP flags on the map.
6. Assign the waypoints for the AI units (for now, don't make it very detailed, only the general movement directions).
7. Exit Deploy screen, save the scenario and exit the scenario editor.
8. Select your test scenario, AND DO the following TRICK.
9. Put AI control to the Player 1 (human), and Human control to the player 2 (AI).
10. Go to the "Headquarters menu" and toggle to computer control all formations (except HQ). * see picture below
11. Now observe how the AI will move the units (turn by turn)
Try to take notes concerning, the needed time for the AI units to reach their objectives.
Next, I will described the method to simulate during this process the delay of anticipated combat time.
to be continued....