Exit hex:
What I do in situations like this is create a long line of water, impassable terrain, minefields, barbed wire and dragons teeth, or SOMETHING along the edge of the map to prevent the player from exiting along that edge. Looks kind of wierd on the map, but it works, and you can use it to limit access to certain parts of the edge.
Crew and vehicles:
Select any unit and hit the "R" key. This will bring up a thing that will allow you to switch out this unit for one of a different type (a lot of interesting and useful things can be bought, like ships, fortified houses, mule caravans, grounded planes, etc.). Switch out your unit for a Crew unit, then hit "D" (the data menu) to change the unit's data if you want to set how many men your crew unit has.
If you want to create a destroyed tank and have the crew near it, there was a thread about this not long ago. Here's a link: