ioticus said:
DominionsFAN said:
Kristoffer O said:
It is removed from pretender design. Nation and province terrain will determine what kind of fort is built.
Oh nice, I really like this! This is good for SP [easier for the AI to handle the fort building method] and for MP [no cheap tactics] aswell.
Explain how it helps the AI and what cheap tactics are you referring to? Thanks!
Well, now we wont be able to choose, that what kind of forts we gonna build in the game. The AI cannot make any bad choices regarding fortress type, but it will be forced to build the one and only possible fort for that province, just like the human players. -> Balance.
As for multiplayer, we wont see watchtower spam, it was possible in Dominions 2. Also, provinces gonna be even more valuable strategecially, since the
province terrain will determine what kind of fort will be built. -> This means, that some provinces will be able to build the best fortresses available in the game, while the other provinces wont have the ">>best fortress for sale<<" signpost.
Overall, I think that the devs choose this way in Dominions 3, because of the balance, and I must say that I like it.