Crazy said:
Does this mean that they can attack with their weapon, like trident, AND mind blast??
They can, but not in the same combat turn.
If I set their orders on FIRE will they stay back and only mind blast?
Yes. They will use mind blast until they run out of ammunition, then move forwards and attack with their weapons.
If I set to attack with they ONLY attack hand to hand?
They will not use mind blast unless set to fire, or during the "hold" part of a "hold and attack" order.
What is the best tactic? Setting them as far away from the enemy as possible to give them as many mind blasts as possible before engaging?
This is almost always best, as Illithids are very expensive and aren't that effective in melee combat.
Also, does mind blast do damage or just kill enemy?
Mind blast does one armour negating damage and paralyzes the target if the magic resistance roll fails.