Ok a review from me too, i try to be objective and not too much a fanboy (which i am obviously

Dom3 is a very good game. It is better than Dom2, and Dom2 is the best turn based strategy game i know. A sequel is not necessarily better then the predecessor, think about e.g. C&C 3 or Warcraft 3 or Civ 3.
A lot of content has been added. The era system works surprisingly well, it adds history to dominions and the eras are fun. And if you want to play cross era you can do this with a simple mod

If i would praise all the things i like in Dom3 and which are better than in Dom2 i could easily write 10+ pages.
I am not doing this, i only list my few issues i have with Dom 3 (they are minor):
- MP balance is not yet as good as it was with CB for Dom2.
It is already much better as Dom2 vanilla.
And this issue will be fixed by the community eventually.
- 4 nations are still missing: Early and late era machaka, late era pythium and early era man.
They will be added with patches.
- Some micromanagement reduction features do not fully work, mainly the auto site search function.
Those issues are likely to be patched.
- Some micromanagement issues are still present, like blood hunting MM nightmare with mictlan.
Those are my main issues i have currently with Dom3. As you can see they are very minor and most of them are likely to be fixed with patches or by the community. For PC games it is normal that version 1.00 is rather buggy (anyone ever played a paradox game in the 1.00 version? Or RTW? Or Civ 4?). Imho Dom3 is there an exeption, 1.00 is already pretty solid.
If you are a hardcore Dom2 fan and played Dom2 extremely much you will when you get Dom3 most likely soon be disimpressed for a short while. But you cannot go back to Dom2 anymore and after a while of playing you will notice how many subtle changes were added that nicely add up and improve the game a lot compared to Dom2, e.g. the new random magic system, the slightly toned down SCs etc. etc..
If you are new to the Dom universe you will be busy for years with exploring Dom3, as Dom2 veteran you will be busy for many months at least.
Dom3 is a worthy sequel and a must buy for turn based strategy game fans.