Phoenix-D said:
Those bits are hardcoded, but you can do other things.
Thinking more about it (and writing faster than I think...) I guess we can simply add to every ShipSize the "Control Center" ability, and 1 crew and 1 life support, then we can bypass hardcoded function and set our own using formulas.
For example I plan to use one AI tag to set the Crew requirement for every component (Like SJ proposed earlier) and then have in every formula a percentage calculation like:
<calculated amount> * round_up( <needed crew for this component> * min (<current ship crew> / <sum of needed crew on remaining components> ; 1) / <needed crew for this component>
This way we would have the following:
Ship total crew = 25
with component:
CMP1 needs 5 crew members
CMP2 needs 2 crew members
CMP3 needs 10 crew members
CMP4 needs 5 crew members
Total need = 22 crew members (so we have 3 more, useless peaple)
Component efficiency at that time:
CMP1 = 100%
CMP2 = 100%
CMP3 = 100%
CMP4 = 100%
After fighting some memebers of the crew die. We only have 18 people left (4 less that required).
Ship total crew = 18
We recalculate the efficiency as:
CMP1 = 100%
CMP2 = 100%
CMP3 = 90%
CMP4 = 100%
We can see that the higher the crew requirement the sooner the component will be impacted by missing crew.
After some more fighting, some crew members die and there are now only 10 people left (12 missing for complete efficiency)
Ship total crew = 10
In that case the components will be greatly degraded, with the resulting efficiency as follow:
CMP1 = 60%
CMP2 = 50% (which would mean 50% of damage for a weapon)
CMP3 = 50%
CMP4 = 60%
What do you think of this idea ? Would it be balanced ?
I guess it would make crew killing weaponry more attractive and protection of crew quarter more important.