
October 18th, 2006, 07:41 PM
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Undead and Ctis Miasma
Using a Prince of Death with Ctis Miasma.
Under the description of the undead status it says "Undead are not affected by disease".
However, the disease affliction just popped on my PoD while he was sitting in the capital.
Is this intended?
Will the disease give him afllictions or prevent his natural healing?
Can he spread the disease to my cold blooded troops?

October 18th, 2006, 07:50 PM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
Undead can have the 'diseased' affliction, but it doesn't actually do anything to them.
Infected units also generally aren't contagious, with the exception of battlefield Plague castings.
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October 18th, 2006, 08:25 PM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
Unfortunately a bunch of pretenders for Miasma actually can get diseases. For the lifeless and undead pretenders it doesn't actually matter, but it's a really big deal for the little rainbow wizards. If you can't make a ring of regeneration and fast, your god is going to die of the illness that he spreads.
All in all, that's pretty lame. I think Ctis should have a restructured pretender list in the middle era to reflect the fact that they inflict diseases on creatures living in their dominion even if those creatures are the god who is spreading the aforementioned dominion!

October 18th, 2006, 10:38 PM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
I ran a quick playtest game with Miasma C'tis the other day and I was amused/disappointed to note that the run-of-the-mill lizard is only 50 or 75% poison resistant now, making the poison slingers a bit harder to use now.

October 18th, 2006, 11:00 PM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
Unwise said:
I ran a quick playtest game with Miasma C'tis the other day and I was amused/disappointed to note that the run-of-the-mill lizard is only 50 or 75% poison resistant now, making the poison slingers a bit harder to use now.
They've only ever been 50% poison resistant since DOM2.

October 19th, 2006, 05:49 AM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
I've asked the same question sometimes ago. Like said disease immune creatures can have the disease afflication but without effect (except allowing them to have benefit from a fever fetish).
In addition to cold blooded ones, it appears that creatures with swamp survival at least are immune to miasma diseases. I've also tested a master druid, who has not swamp survival but a PR of 100 and he didn't get diseased in 50 turns, but I can't say if PR has anything to do with it (according to some old d2 threads PR worked against the miasma effect, so perhaps a PR ring is sufficient to make any pretender immune ?).

October 19th, 2006, 07:01 AM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
Now that you mention it, I think undead should be affected by miasma. They should decay pretty quick. Isn't that what Maggots spell is about ? Undead are, except for ghosts etc, organic matter. Some of them stale and dry, but also unprotected by human skin, immunity system and so forth.
But disease is another matter. Perhaps somewhere in future patch (or mod) undead will become disease carriers, able to spread disease without being affected ? Yuck.
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October 19th, 2006, 12:37 PM
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Re: Undead and Ctis Miasma
B0rsuk said:
Now that you mention it, I think undead should be affected by miasma. They should decay pretty quick. Isn't that what Maggots spell is about ? Undead are, except for ghosts etc, organic matter. Some of them stale and dry, but also unprotected by human skin, immunity system and so forth.
But disease is another matter. Perhaps somewhere in future patch (or mod) undead will become disease carriers, able to spread disease without being affected ? Yuck.
The way I see it, the miasma effect is like turning the province into a swamp, normal units get diseased from disease carrying mosqitues and the likes, they aren't actually wading in swamp water (which would probably be more damaging to undead [due to organisms feeding on them])
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