Where can I find the corresponding txt files for the following csf files:
- script main externalevents
- script main intelligence
- "RACE" main script
- "RACE" setup script
Thank you very much for the reply.
These files look very complicated and crytic to me, especially the MainScripts.
Is there any explanation available how they work and how you could modify them?
I agree that they are pretty cryptic. I think we need an AI flowchart and then documentation of the implimentation before we can do anything other than trial and error on imroving the AI. An AI builder would be awesome as that is the most broken part of the game IMHO.
Note that the AI script for each race is compiled from a bunch of different source files. Each race has only two .csf files, so there isn't really a one to one mapping there (except maybe the "setup" script).