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Old November 6th, 2006, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: News

Sheap said:

3) Do remember to draw a clear distinction between your in-game (role playing) persona and your out of game self. This is especially important if you are planning on lying and backstabbing.

Heh might I point out though, if one of your games you're remembered as a lying backstabbing cutthroat player, players tend to disregard more your diplomatic advances in other games. =)
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Old November 6th, 2006, 11:53 PM

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Default Re: Good and Ill News From Vanheim

Ermor remembers.

Even if utterly crushed, the few the survive will raise their progeny to seethe in hatred for Vanherr Thanatos. No matter how far and spread out they go, this alone shall unify them. Time, space, and reality are nothing compared to this.

Ermor remembers.

Those who have shed blood, even for partly selfish reasons, to ease the pressure and burden on Ermor's children. They shall be forever praised in song and their leaders shall know, should they ever stumble upon the descendents of once mighty Ermor, wherever they may be, under whomever's banner, that they will be welcomed as friends.

Ermor remembers.

In blood, dust, and fire, all will know that long after the final lights have gone out in Eldregate and seemingly all of Ermor's children have been slain, that even a victory is not a victory. Through all the planes of existence, in times past and future, the dogs of vengeance, empowered by the spirit of fallen Ermor, will nip at the heels of those who now bring treacherous and unjust war upon them. There will be no end. Through thousands of worlds, in thousands of ages, you have been marked, you have been chosen. Hell will meet you wherever your spirit chooses to arrive next.

Enjoy the fruits of your victory. Sip the sweet wine of your arrogance. But take heed, and never rest, never forget.

For Ermor remembers.
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Old November 7th, 2006, 12:08 AM
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Default Re: Good and Ill News From Vanheim

Much debouchery is to be had in the forests of Pangaea! Women shed their very clothes to dance in the moonlit forests with the Pans of our mighty nation. Murmurs of war rumble in the distant lands, whispers of battles and clashes brought upon the winds reach our ears.

We share a border with the nation of Tien Chi to the north, and our Satyrs watch, bewildered as their mages work so seriously on crafts of the arcane. Why all this seriousness when there is so much fun to be had in this world?

The Ermorian Legions engage in a bloody war with the Vans, pounding out weapons of metals and fashioning shields to protect themselves from death and release from this grand world.

The lady of Springs comes soon, Nemain shall return to this world with a message of hope. No longer shall you humans have to be under the thumbs of false pretenders forcing their will upon you, driving your menfolk to war. When Nemain returns, the world shall be liberated from greed and the pursuit of power over fellow creatures.

A revolution is sweeping this land, this great war that is emerging shall be the last war ever fought if Nemain succeeds, for never again shall there be anyone called a Lord or Peasant in this wonderful world that is meant to be filled with life, not death and despair.
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Old November 7th, 2006, 02:29 AM
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Default Pangaea\'s Oxymorons

Helheim is a nation of illusions, and, thus, we are masters of them. We are also masters of illusions in the form of words and are capable of seeing right through them. Pangaea claims that it wants to bring peace, freedom, and equality to the world. Yet how do they plan to bring these things to the world when they do not even have them in their own lands? Look into the forests of Pangaea. Do you see peace? No, there is chaos. Do you see freedom? Sure, so long as you do not offend the forest! Do you see equality? No. If there is equality, then why is it that Pans hold most of the power? Why is it that only white furred centaurs are sacred? Why is it that there are no male satyrs who are priests? I will tell you why. Because there is no more peace, freedom, or equality in the forests of Pangaea than anywhere else!

At least civilized nations come together for the betterment of the whole instead of thinking only of oneself. Selfishness is rampant in Pangaea, and only a fool would be too blind not to see it! They dance and frolic around all the time without a worry in their heads comfort in the thought that dawn will bring yet another day. Civilized nations know better! Dawn does not always come. You must strive for the dawn, or it may never arrive!

Perhaps the most telling thing though, is how Pangaea plans on "liberating" us. With all the abundant peace, freedom, and equality in the forests, you would think that they could dream up a better way of facilitating their plan but no. Their answer is of course, war. How surprising! How do you achieve peace? Kill those who stand in your way! How do you achieve freedom? Kill those who disagree with your restrictions! How do you achieve equality? Kill those who are different!

These promises from Pangaea are threats, threats to us all! They merely wish to bring their brand of peace, freedom, and equality to our nations. Will you accept the principles of the half-breeds? For the sake of sanity, I hope not.

This message has been funded by the Hangadrotts of Helheim.
I am Aeforge, and I approve this message.
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Old November 7th, 2006, 06:42 AM
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Default Re: Pangaea\'s Oxymorons

The frost giants of Niefelheim stand watchfully. The time for march is yet to come, but when they raise their sword arms, the very land will shatter. Noone was foolish engough to attack the Sons of Winter, but if that happens only the chilly wind will sang songs about that feebleminded nation who sent soldiers to the land of the Giants.
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Old November 7th, 2006, 07:16 AM

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Default Awakening

The dormant gods are awakening! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

-- Sheap-Niggurath, regent of R'lyeh
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Old November 7th, 2006, 11:09 AM

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Default Re: Awakening

To the Nations of the World

Long have the Triton Kings ruled from the depths of the blue. Recently the deep ones of Atlantis have made overtures to the world that was given to us. They will be destroyed. To the nations on land you have little to fear of us. Your world is as alien to us as ours is to yours. We do posses land territory, and we will view any aggression against our land as an act of war
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Old November 8th, 2006, 01:03 AM
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Default Re: Awakening

Wait! Don't host! I accidently used 3.01 to take my turn. Do I just go in with 3.00 and redo my turn?
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Old November 8th, 2006, 01:26 AM

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Default Re: Awakening

Heh, nothing can stop the server from hosting once all the turns are in. But if you just replay your turn with 3.00 then you will be guaranteed to be ok.

Is there anyone currently using 3.01? I don't think there are any plans to upgrade the server to 3.01 because of the horrors bug. But if anyone is using 3.01 successfully it would be great for them to speak up so we know if it is safe or not.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 01:30 AM
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Default Re: Awakening

I am using 3.01
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