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Old November 9th, 2006, 01:59 PM

Stryke11 Stryke11 is offline
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

Trajedy, the giants have seized our capital and lay seige to our fortress! We have cast off the rule of Aurelios and many of our citizens have already migrateds north into Pangean lands. only a token force stays behind to guard the citidel, in hopes an army of the forest will come and break the siege.
- Ermorian Consul, Gaius Amalious Ermorius.


I appreciate the fact that some of you don't want to lose a player so soon but in reality the situation is desperate. I am well aware that with spells, strategy, etc. anything can be done. But I had 5 mages casting fire spells, huge PD, and many of Ermor's best troops, along with my pretender, and I still lost to 8 giants with 2 support units, again without them losing ONE unit. They were swarmed, most of them were on fire by the end of the battle, there was nothing more that could be done. I am down to two procvinces and the fact is what fun is there in playing, even if I last to the end of the game because everyone lets me, with that setup? I either have allies I absolutely won't attack, or enemies who are much stronger (rediculously, unbalanced-like stronger) in all directions. I mean, at least I was able to take out a Van troop from time to time with my superior numbers, but the gaints in the early game with the amount of research I have are impossible to beat.

I don't think anyone should be removed from the game. It's not their fault their nations are overpowered, and I'm sure they can be countered by giant nations such as Ulm (thay guy is ruling the stat charts) or by a combination of nations.

For all his blustering and scoundrel-ness Whollaborg was a great roleplayer and pretty much telegraphed that he was intending to steamroller me. The diplomacy side angle was a fun front. As for the Giants, their player is just a flat out liar, taking full advantege of high hp troops with a bless strategy and a favorable starting postions, so watch out for that

I believe it should be allowable, since there is no way I can conceivably win the game, to offer my lands to a friend nation. Naturally there is no in-game way to do this so he will have to take them by force, though I will move the defenders away to the best of my ability. The roleplay reason is because Ermor would much rather see the Panii or the Atlanteans triumph, and the Ermoroian people would expect more mercy from them than their enemies.

With a corner postion, more breathing space, and some time, I have no doubt the armies of Ermor would have been quite powerful. The stars didn't align this time, and I don't feel bad about it, so you shouldn't either, Foodstamp . I'm still learning as well, so next time, which won't be for awhile but eventually, I will have more useful early game "strats".

Give 'em heck, guys!
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Old November 9th, 2006, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: MP: Newbie Game EA (Open)

In a way though, this is a good if not harsh lesson for new players. Blesses definitely run the current metagame especialy in EA where a lot of blessables are so strong. The ulterior option of course is the dominance of archers. New Faith Ermor is a little tricky, their blessables aren't entirely too great though they do have recuperation ...
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Old November 9th, 2006, 03:00 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

Stryke11 said:
With a corner postion, more breathing space, and some time, I have no doubt the armies of Ermor would have been quite powerful. The stars didn't align this time, and I don't feel bad about it, so you shouldn't either, Foodstamp . I'm still learning as well, so next time, which won't be for awhile but eventually, I will have more useful early game "strats".
Thats the spirit, Stryke A lot of times this is just how it will work out. Even for me, as an experienced player, I am sometimes surprised (or underestimate) the power of an early rush and am wiped out in the first 10-20 turns of a game. Remember that only like 1/4 or 1/2 of the nations in any game will survive to the end to see someone declared winner Sometimes you make it that far, sometimes you dont.

On the topic of giving resources/land away when your empire crumbles: This happens in many games and you shouldnt feel bad about doing it. In fact as the game goes on it can significantly change the balance of power (in particularly getting someones treasury of gems in the later game!!!). The only thing to keep in mind when giving land away is that the nation which was winning the war may take offense at you "poaching" provinces which should "rightfully" be thiers. You are seeing this already with Vanhiem and Niefelheim above in the thread. Personally, I expect neighboring nations to poach and will not take much offense (unless it is a key province), but others players may.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 03:20 PM

Stryke11 Stryke11 is offline
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

Pangaea did not request the land. It was offered by the Senate and people of Ermor. Pangaea is welcome to deny the gift for their own safety if they wish, since the majority of the Ermorian people have already evacuated into their lands for safety. Ermor has ceded the land, they no longer have say as to what Pangaea wishes ro do with it, even if they do strategically give it to NH or VH.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:13 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

Ermor can beat Van in the field just as Tienchi can beat Helhirdings in the field. It basically requires magic. Van have high defense (which is good against swords), and glamor (which is good against swords). They aren't particularly good against arrows or magic.

Ermor has crappy archery, but its magic is quite impressive. Augur Elders can spam Sulphur Mists and Archbishops are a cheap source of Smiting.

Even Huskarls cost 25 gold a piece, and once you get some magic going you can trade your troops for theirs at perhaps 2:1. That's not something that Vanheim can sustain for long. They need an early age of aggression to pay off or they are toast.

That Ermor was the victim of this particlar wave of early aggression is an entirely plausible outcome of these events. Our condolances.

The Great Catsby has Spoken.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!


To be honest, it makes me sad in the pants that double blessed nations are allied wiping out players early game. I keep hearing people talk about these nations being terrible in middle game or late game, but honestly I don't see how, they have incredible mages as well.

I am curious to see how this game plays out and see if all these comments are right about the -heims petering out later on.

At the moment my gut instinct tells me that the fire/water bless strategy is going to be an advantage throughout the game because these nations still get pretty solid battle magic and other spells to boot.

P.S. If this is a newbie game, how can these people even comment and say "Oh, vanheim etc etc can be beat later on when you research magic etc etc".
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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:44 PM

Kydorias Kydorias is offline
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

WSzaboPeter said:
Greetings Noble Kydorias,
I accept a truce, but with modifications only.
You offered a six-month truce. I offer you a longer one, since I really don't have any intentions to kill you. The time period should be until my inprisond pretender will be free. Then we will talk about a longer peace, or even alliance. In the time of truce I'm open to any trade discussions.
You offered me 200 Gold and 25 Death Gems. I need neighter, so you can keep it and use it as you wish.
I took Koron's Gate (36) from you, but I will leave there NO forces and you can take it back. We both know why this province is so important for you. In exchange I need two provinces that are far less important for you, but they have strategic importance to me. Those are 30 Black March and 15 Mount Zhiva. And I ask you NOT to take Last Climb from independents. If you agree please tell me as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot,
Lord DreamSlayer,

Your terms are overly generous and I gratefully accept your offer. I shall withdrawl my forces from Black March and Mount Zhiva, and I shall leave Last Climb undisturbed. I intend to also reoccupy Koron's Gate.

I salute the fighting prowess of your powerful warriors and exemplary battlefield leadership. May you face victory in your upcoming battles on other fronts.

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Old November 9th, 2006, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Important Announcement from Ermor!

In a straight up fight, it is true, battle mages can sway the odds. However, any player worth his salt will know to take advantage of Vanheim/Helheim's uber raiding ability which combined with a dual bless beats any pd/conventional armies. It is stoppable, but needless to say most newbie players are not equipped to do so.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 06:33 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Blessed Nations

To address the comments on bless-rush nations: You shouldnt be upset that bless-rush nations are wiping out other players early. That is, after all, what they are designed to do. As to how they could possibly be weakened over time, this has to do with thier scales. Bless nations normally have to make significant sacrifices to thier scales which results in overall lower income. If you have a bless nation and a non-bless nation of comparable size it is like that the non-bless nation will have significantly more income. This in turn translates to more research (very key) and more, stronger, mages.

And to address concerns that some players may have about fighting these blessed nations in the future. Dominions always provides a way to counter any strategy. So, when faced with a superior opponent, what you should try and do is look at thier greatest strength and find a way to circumvent it. As Frank says above, the greatest strength of Vans is Glamour and High Defense. The way to circumvent this is Arrows or Battlefield Magic, which ignore defense skill. Neifel Giants greatest strength is thier hit points. But if you attack in a way that circumvents hitpoints, like the spell Paralyze or Gifts from Heaven (which does more damage than a unit and reasonably take) then you should be ok.

It is always good advice to keep an eye on your neighbors. Look at thier units and make sure you have a plan (be it with units, spells, or summons) to counter whatever attack they are likely to bring against you.
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Old November 9th, 2006, 06:57 PM
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Default Re: Blessed Nations

Great advice, I will dig through ye ole spell grimoire and see what I can come up with in the event that I am next on the chopping block.
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