I hope we do too, get along that is
And as to your solution (to get right to the point), I suggested basically exactly that to the modder's wishlist. I didn't do it in such a technically specific way, however, and (in a blatant request for support) wouldn't mind if you put your idea about modding commands into the wishlist as well. I'd be just as happy modding my ideas into the game, but the option currently isn't available. I can live without the path-splitting and I'm all for modding tools that everyone can use.
Astral and Nature don't equal life, it's just what the designers thought was a good idea at the time. Maybe they were right, but opinions can differ.
Flavor doesn't make or break gameplay, but it certainly can make or break a game. This game has lots, but it can certainly use lots more, and not just as a cumulative effect "just to add", there are plenty of specific areas where more can be done-for instance, one area where Civilization shines is it's "civilopedia". It'd be great to have that for Dom. I know it would take tons of time to add it, but it could be a forum project. Infact, I think I'll start it...hmmm, anyway, my point here is that the burden of new spell ideas and other labor-intensive projects could and should be put on the shoulders of this forum.
And I like that kind of homework. Obviously, I didn't like the other kind, but doing homework for Dom is just a little different