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Old January 6th, 2007, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Pausing the game during the holidays

The great prophet of the bloody god strode to the top of the holy ziggurat. The bloody god had demanded hell on earth, and that was what would be delivered. For several months the cabal of priest kings had turned the rains falling on the lands of the giants into toads, and this barrage was starting to tell. Now it was time to step up the offensive, and bring forth the legions promised to our aid. The giants thought the few weak blood fiends they had forged a bond with were the might of the lower planes, let them tremble as they witness the true power of the abyss.

Hundreds of virginal sacrifices were brought forth to the sacrificial pit, a steady stream coming in over several months. The blood running down the sides of the ziggurat awakened something dark, something hungry, and our sorceries sent it forth into the land of giants.

Great rents opened in their fields as the hordes of hell poured out into their land. Everywhere their blood hunters and site-searchers were slain and their peoples pillaged as devils and imps sought fresh blood. The hunger of the burning legion is insatiable, and they spread like locusts all around the frost giant lands, every month more and more pouring out from the abyss. Meanwhile an army of the stouter fiends began to form around the holy ziggurat, forming the core of the force which would shortly march on Niefelheim.

The undead army pauses, sensing something is very wrong and hesitant even in their unlife to press into Mictlan land in the face of the burning eye now visible above the holy ziggurat. Our forces build in the face of their hesitation, as their homelands are pillaged and their castles begin to rot. Soon our infernal army shall march forth and the time of the giants will be at an end. In the mean time their small folk cry out in terror as the hordes from hell pour out from their very hearths, their wells fester, and a malign presence changes the atmosphere of their lands and all feel unlucky.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Pausing the game during the holidays

...the devils, fiends feasted with great gusto in the cold frigid lands of the giants, blood was spilt and devils gorged themselves. Huge giants tried to become small in order to avoid there fate. The temperature fell, a horrible, errie, blood curdling wail was heard over miles and miles of countryside. The horrors had come...now it was the Mictian's fiends turn to know fear...the horrors hunted down the all the devils and fiends taking there corrupt souls to a place worse than hell...

After the feeding frenzy, the horrors departed, leaving a desolute landscape barren of life, owned by noone. Such was repeated all across Niefelheim and Mictian lands...
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Old January 10th, 2007, 11:51 PM
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Default The fall of Helheim

After a long and bloody siege, the proud capital of Helheim Empire has finally fallen to Tien Chi armies. By the order of the Emperor, from this day forward this day will be celebrated for as great national holiday by all loyal subject of the Eternal Empire.

The sky was dark from the thousands of vultures and crows, feasting on dead corpses from both armies. Few stunned Tien Chi soldiers who have managed to survive the carnage were walking around, oblivious to the chaos and destruction around them, still unable come to grips with the reality, to believe that the battle for the Helheim is finally over and that they have survived.

But this is the reality. The great siege that has claimed lives of thousands of Tien Chi and Helheims soldiers, is over. The scorched and torn Banner of Empire is flying in the strong freezing wind over the ruined citadel in the center of the city. The huge broken body of mighty Father of Winter lay on the steps of his great temple, surrounded by high mountains of frozen and burned corpses of the elite soldiers of Empire, who gave up their lives to kill the God on this day.

By the order of divine Emperor tomorrow the tall monument shall be constructed near the broken gate of the city, in the memory of the greatest enemy that the Empire has met in this Realm.
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Old January 11th, 2007, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: The fall of Helheim

It is true the glorious, fair and democracy building nation of Helheim has fallen. The combined weight of Tien Chi and their puppet was to much for us to bear.

Our forces will continue to harass where we can but if there was any doubt 12 turns ago about who needed to be feared and which god was acending I hope it has been dispelled now.

It was a fun game. My first with Dominions 3 and learned many new things. I hope to play with you guys again in future games.
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Old January 11th, 2007, 08:15 PM
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Default Re: The fall of Helheim

Say it ain't so!
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Old January 11th, 2007, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: The fall of Helheim

Server appears to be down.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 07:09 AM
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Default Re: The fall of Helheim

Maltrease said:
It is true the glorious, fair and democracy building nation of Helheim has fallen. The combined weight of Tien Chi and their puppet was to much for us to bear.

Our forces will continue to harass where we can but if there was any doubt 12 turns ago about who needed to be feared and which god was acending I hope it has been dispelled now.

It was a fun game. My first with Dominions 3 and learned many new things. I hope to play with you guys again in future games.
Hmm, are you sure it was really 12 turns ago? I think it was at least 20 turns or so, from the day when Helheim attacked Tien Chi, up until the fall of Helheim's capital this turn. Looking on the map, 12 seem to be way too short. I remember where my forces stand on that day, and it seems virtually impossible to cover this ground in 12 turns. Hell, I've spend the last 5 or 6 last turns in your capital alone, and back than I still had more than half of Ulm's empire to conquer, including their 2 castles with high walls. And than I had to go all the way north from Ulm to you. At least 20 turns or more would be my estimate.

And yes, it is true that a lot of things changed during this time. Back than the rising star of Helheim were shinning brightly over the sky, and its fiery glow was drafting stars of other nations. I still fully stand by what I said back than(although I admit that the war against your nation and your ally Ulm carried number of surprises).

But in any case 20 turns is a long time...
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Old January 12th, 2007, 03:43 PM

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Default Re: The fall of Helheim

Arcosephale has also fallen.
We attempted to take the initiative against Caelum but due to an early game invasion attempt by Mictlan our research has fallen behind.

Our forces withered beneath electrical storms and thunderous booms from the sky.

Our nation has been set to AI.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 04:17 AM
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Default Announcement from Tien Chi

Since the game seems to be approaching the late game stage quickly, we would like to make an offer to our neighbors. If any of the countries with whom I have NA agreements would like to change it, we grant them permision to do so, by releasing them from their oaths toward our nation. All we ask is a declaration of war one turn before they attack.

Please note that it doesn't mean that I am going to renegade on any of my pacts, I will continue to honor all of them. So this is one-way offer, intended to possibly spice things up in the end-game, by increasing the level of challenge for my nation, since I don't have any real enemies to oppose now, with Helheim's back broken.)
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Old January 13th, 2007, 04:31 AM
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Default Re: Announcement from Tien Chi

Corwin said:
Since the game seems to be approaching the late game stage quickly, we would like to make an offer to our neighbors. If any of the countries with whom I have NA agreements would like to change it, we grant them permision to do so, by releasing them from their oaths toward our nation. All we ask is a declaration of war one turn before they attack.

Please note that it doesn't mean that I am going to renegade on any of my pacts, I will continue to honor all of them. So this is one-way offer, intended to possibly spice things up in the end-game, by increasing the level of challenge for my nation, since I don't have any real enemies to oppose now, with Helheim's back broken.)
I think this translates as:-

I am so utterly powerful, I am going to stomp you all and win.

I know my nation, Niefelheim is in no position whatsoever to oppose T'ien C'hi's overwhealming power, its all I can do to knock Mictian out and I am struggling at that...
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