OOB 44 West Germany
Units 055, 056 (Boxer APC and IFV) have 40mm Mk 19 GL as their primary weapon. However this weapon is given 19 HE and 19 Sabot ammo (only HEAT possible). Also is this ammo loadout wrong, as they were before armed with a 20mm Rh202 cannon, which had the same ammo loadout?
Units 552, 553 (Fuchs 2/30 and 2/30+) have 30mm MK30-2 as their primary weapon with 90 HE ammo (clearly wrong loadout). If these vehicles with such armament even exist, should there be a co-ax MG also?
Weapon 037, 5,56mm MG4 has range of 16. Comparable 5,56mm SAWs have ranges of 8-10. 7,62mm MG3 has range of 12. Is such a long range for this weapon (MG4) intentional, or should it be lowered?