
March 9th, 2007, 05:55 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Imperator Fyron said: mrscrogg, you seem to have read what you wanted to read into capnq's statements, rather than what he actually wrote.
He answered why he prefers this site, but my question was why he considers that site more dead than this one.
Cap'n Q
"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.

March 9th, 2007, 06:27 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Imperator Fyron said:
When I was reading AZ's post, I kept thinking to myself, "self, this post just keeps going on and on and on! When will it ever end?"
Conciseness is not my forte.
Wait... That was rather concise, wasn't it? Oh, but now I've ruined it.
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!

April 27th, 2007, 10:56 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Captain Kwok has posted the SEV 1.34 Changelog!
I hope that these are addressed soon:
Priorities that would be appreciated in a patch:
-the following features implemented for the AI:
Planet creators/destroyers
Star creators/destroyers
Nebula creators/destroyers
Black Hole creators/destroyers
Storm creators/destroyers
Warp point creators/destroyers
Ringworld and Sphereworld creation
-better AI
-"the fog of war" issue fixed/implemented(Opponent planets, ships, fleets, bases, etc. shown faded out with the date that information was last seen.)
-option at the begining of an encounter to not fight; the AI use this often; and let the choice affect relations
-an alliance victory
-tone down Mega Evil Empire; relations should gradually decline; alliances that MEE has should decline even more gradually; empires further away should be less affected towards the MEE
-scrapping population causes unrest and lowers relations with others; mass destroying opponent population lowers relations with others

April 28th, 2007, 02:17 AM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Wade said:
-tone down Mega Evil Empire; relations should gradually decline; alliances that MEE has should decline even more gradually; empires further away should be less affected towards the MEE
Have you seen the MEE working??
I never did so far.

April 28th, 2007, 04:22 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
These also please:
-Show the ship class(along with the ship name) in the "retofit button list" and the "Fleet Transfer list" and other places that ship name is displayed. This is so that deciding which ships to upgrade will not be so tedious. Currently only the ship list button allows ship name and class side by side.
-only have the non-breathers of a planet domed incurring a penalty to production, research, etc. Still keep the term "Domed" for the games tradition sake: example: "10% Domed incurring a (??)% penalty to all types of planetary production." (Perhaps Domed population could work at 50% capacity (or what a currently Domed planet does). Thus it could read:"10% Domed incurring a 5% penalty...")
The non-breathers left on a planet will have a higher emigration rate to a breathable planet.
-The production of a planet will be divided amongst the number of ground and orbital ship yards. (Thus it might be best to build more shipyards only when production of ships approaches one or two turns.) More than one ground based ship yard allowed for planets so that more than one production at a time can take place. (If a tiny or small planet currently allow one ship yard then larger planets should allow more; especially Ringworlds and Sphereworlds.)

May 4th, 2007, 09:29 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Captain Kwok has posted the SEV 1.35 Changelog!

May 5th, 2007, 12:14 AM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
For some reason that brings this to mind...
We love you Kwokky, oh yes we do...
We love you Kwokky, and we'll be true
When you don't post updates, we're blue
Oh, Kwokky, we love you!

The Ed draws near! What dost thou deaux?

May 18th, 2007, 10:23 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
The SEV 1.36 Changelog has been posted in the Space Empires V General forum by Captain Kwok.

May 25th, 2007, 10:37 PM
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
The SEV 1.37 Changelog has been posted in the Space Empires V General forum.

May 25th, 2007, 11:37 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: \'Space Empires Universe\' (spaceempires5.com) N
Wouldn't it be far more useful to copy it here than just post that?
Version 1.37:
1. Fixed - Sometimes processing of a turn would halt when a deconstruct & analyze order was executed.
2. Added - Script function "Give_Space_Object_Order_Any" to give orders not covered by other script functions.
3. Fixed - In a turn based game, a retrofit of multiple ships will now result in only one report window.
4. Fixed - Retrofit order will be available now even if multiple ships are selected.
5. Changed - Display of resources and points over a million will show as #,### kT.
6. Fixed - Fighters with no supply remaining will now move at 25% of their normal speed.
7. Fixed - If a strategy has a target type damage amount for a planet as "All Weapons Gone", then
when the planet has no weapons left in combat, no ships will fire on it. The behavior for other targets
with this damage amount setting is that they will be targeted last after all other targets are destroyed.
8. Removed - Strategy selection "Retreat Immediately". This can now be done through the "Retreat When" section.
9. Removed - Strategy selection "Retreat When All Weapons Damaged". This can now be done through the "Retreat When" section.
10. Fixed - The "Retreat When" section is now working better.
11. Fixed - The "Retreat Settings" section is now working better.
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