Is there a way to make a nation automatically increase its population without having to alter the growth scales? Also, is it possible to set the growth rate to even higher levels? I have a plan for a mod that involves some tree-dwelling, white-furred rodent people whose units all have domsummon20, and have to use magic and/or expand rapidly in order to be able to get enough food. Most of the units will be small, size one, stealthy units, who will have, to mitiagate the food shortage, forest survival skills, even though this won't be enough to totally solve any food problem. An extreme example of rapid population growth would be 20% per turn

, but I don't know if the a province could actually hold that many people.
P.S. The white furry rodent-people will have spears and javelins, and some of them will have poisioned spears/ throwing spears.