\"Kill\" Map(9 players-110 prov.)
I wanted to post a map I made that is designed for 9 players. 110 provinces, 8 of which are water. The map favors the 1 water race, as the squares are 2 deep to make keeping dominion easier. Water race also has several points from which to attack land.
When I host a mp game using the Epic Heroes Mod, I intend to use this map. Each starting player will have at least 4 land squares. There is no waste on the map. Two land sites have the tag "many magic sites" and they are the province with the volcano and the one with the stone henge things.
I like this map better than Aran because Aran has some pretty bad starting points, one in a waste area.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.