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Old June 11th, 2007, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: A History of Perpetuality

EA Tir Na N'Og

Let there be light...and the Tuatha or Blessed walked upon the earth.

Laughter, merriment, wine and song filled the air as the fierce Sidhe warriors and there Fir Bolg allies battled the forces of evil and chaos in the strange new world of Perpetuality.

The Awakening

Come, whispered the voice, persistent, come join me. All the Tuatha heard, many laughed, some shook there head and went about there business on the Blessed Isle. Yet, among the younger Sidhe the call stirred a longing, for adventure, for glory, a chance to serve light and a chance to grasp power. The slumbering god, Illuminati beckoned them and so by ones, twos, small groups they went via the hidden ways of the barrows and mounds to serve there new god in a new world, Perpetuality.

Early Days

Illuminati, guided them to a glittering lake, breathtaking in its beauty. When the sun rose in the morning the lake glittered gold, in the day a deep blue with ripples of silver from the fish and with the setting of the sun a vivid orange and red.

The Sidhe were pleased and built a mighty citadel named Tir Na N'Og. With the Sidhe came Fir Bolgs and in very little time at all a industrious city emerged with constant new arrivals of both Sidhe and Fir Bolgs from the Blessed Isle.

1st Year of the Asension Wars

The lands surrounding Tir Na N'Og were a chaotic collection of independent states eager to accept the guidence of the Blessed. With barely a scratch to one Sidhe the city state of Tir Na N'Og became a small kingdom of 15 or so provinces all serving there mysterious god, Illuminati. During this time of expansion the Sidhe came across other nations ruled by false pretenders who proclaimed themselves the one true god. This was troubling but the nations seemed peaceful enough so treaties of peace were signed with MA Pangaea, LA Man, EA Sauromatia and MA C'tis. Now was a time of peace not war...

Early Spring, 2nd Year of the Ascension Wars

The nation of Tir Na N'Og rejoices, Illuminati the one true god, appears in a blinding flash of white light singing a song of such enchantment that no mortal, even Sidhe can copy. Our god is no longer a distant voice, a feeling, he is physically with us to guide us to victory.

The Blessed Lake

The kings of Ri, lords of the Tuatha, raged at the nation of MA Oceania. The sacred lake upon which mighty Tir Na N'Og was built had been conquered by the merfolk. Elrond, Isildur, Legolas, Elendil, Celeborn and Amaziga prepared for war. As they strapped magical armour on, equipped rings of water breathing and placed pendants of luck around there necks Illuminati appeared before them, "Hold mighty kings of Ri, it is not your destiny to wage war upon the merfolk. Well there conquest of the blessed lake is a insult to Tir Na N'Og, they are not the real threat. The real threat is to the SW, ride with all haste to the land of demons, the lands of EA Yomi. Before you get there they will have invaded our lands, cast them back and make there nation dust."

Upon hearing the words of Illuminati, Ma Oceania vanished from the minds of the kings of RI and with all haste they rode SW to face the demonic hordes of EA Yomi.

The Blessed and the Demon wars.

As Illuminati had predicted a demon army had invaded the province of Gol Amrod completely without warning and with no provocation by the Sidhe. EA Yomi would deeply regret this foolish act in the months to come.

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Old June 11th, 2007, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: A History of Perpetuality

We pick up the story of Marverni in the tenth month of year One. The lands of Marverni are entirely occupied by werewolves. Entirely? No! One small village of indomitable bare chested warriors still holds out against the invaders ...

The people of Marverni had planned to expand slowly, and well, that was really the only plan of ours that ever worked. Expand slowly we did, being careful to show up in barbarian lands with a large enough force to scare off the godless, without risking our bare chests.

Meanwhile our crack team of researchers had locked themselves up in their tree house, studying diligently for that which could perhaps buy us some peace ... yes, construction! We would become a nation of traders, building various wares for the warring nations of Perpetuality, and doing a wee bit of other research on the side. Unfortunately that part of the plan did not work out.

The greedy werewolves of Midgard invaded our lands and conquered all but one village. All appeared lost, but in the month we expected to be devoured, a Menhir descended from the sky, and bounced about, crushing the werewolves!

The werewolves may be physically strong, but they lack discipline, and flee like mice when our Menhir arrives. Little, scared, tiny, wee little mice. Run, mice, run! Flee! Ha ha ha.

For a year now, Menhir has bounced around, trying to squish the werewolves before they flee to their homes in the west. But the werewolves appear to be prolific breeders, and their numbers may yet overwhelm us.

We have found noble and honorable neighbors who have also been threatened by the Menace from Midgard. Marverni will do what we can to assist these brave soldiers in their battles against the Midgard horde. For the Midgard werewolves breed like rabbits, and their enormous army poses a dire threat to all nations of Perpetuality.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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Old June 11th, 2007, 11:36 AM

Wikd Thots Wikd Thots is offline
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Default Re: A History of Perpetuality

MA Mictlan
I did not choose my nation. The guy that picked it never turned in a god so it was first come first served. I rushed a MA Mictlan build and shot it in. Not an excuse. Just letting you know that I blew it early.

I got a position at the fat spot on the SW peninsula.
Farther SW inside the peninsula was MA Ermor and I knew they would have to march through me to reach the rest of the map so I made a NAP right away. The agreement gave the fat farmland I was trying to reach.

So I changed direction to the other fat farmland. When I got there MA Caelum had just taken it and got hurt doing it so I attacked. I got 2 farmlands. One was fat for taxes, and they both made longbowmen.
MA Caelum hit me back. Hard. And MA Venheim hit me hard on the other side.
Aww crap! I had hoped that both MA Vanheim and MA Caelum would attack my castle. I could watch them wipe each other. But apparently they reached an agreement. MA Caelum pulled back and MA Vanheim seiged me.
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Old June 11th, 2007, 01:01 PM

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Default A History of LA Man in Perpetuality

A History of LA Man in Perpetuality
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Old June 11th, 2007, 02:59 PM

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Default LA R\'lyeh

Month of high harvest, in the second year of the pretender wars

Great kings and queens in the land of perpetuality. I am but a humble and old priest living in an coastal province long forgotten by the people of the mainlands, and now i must write to you to warn you of some of the horrors I have seen crawl from the seas after the sun sets. They seem to be part fish and part something more demonic and alien, clearly showing some higher intelligence as they chatter among themself in their outwordly tongue. As to what their intent is i cannot say, but people has been starting to dissapear along the coastline. A great deal of people has started to ramble about distant stars and about deities of horror long forgotten.

Now as i walk along the beach i cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshipping their ancient stone idols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water-soaked granite. I dream of a day when they may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war-exhausted mankind -- of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universal pandemonium. I urge you good kings and queens, do not take my words lightly, this matter is of grave importance and may be a threat to us all. I will continue to investigate this matter and will give an update the next fortnight.
MP guide to MA/LA Rlyeh
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Old June 11th, 2007, 05:30 PM
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Default Re: LA R\'lyeh

spot reserved for EA Helheim
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Old June 11th, 2007, 05:40 PM

CelestialGoblyn CelestialGoblyn is offline
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Default LA Ulm

In the northern mountains, amongst ancient forests, in dark valleys lie the lands of Ulm. It is not a land I would advise you to ever visit, unless fate itself forces you to seek something from the strange people who live there.

There is howling at night that is more fearsome than that of great dire wolves.

There is tyranny greater than that of burgemeister who sentences a widow to death, deaf at cries of her children.

There is arcane knowledge that even Dark Priests fear to ponder and pretend it does not exist.

There is greed more inhuman than that of bandits who kill a traveller to take his money pouch.

That of a vampire.


No one knows who is the real ruler of Ulm. Burgemeisters and nobles have power, but they fear the iron cult and their inquisitors. The iron cult is said to be manipulated by dark forces, for they allow vampires and demons to stalk the populace. Even the vampires are not the rulers, even they fear someone. Some say there's a brotherhood of humans that manipulates vampires like puppets...

Regardless of that, early history of Ulm is one of brutal military conquest. Grim-faced soldiers march into sorrounding baronies and take control. Rulers have to swear loyality to Ulm or die. Who do they really swear loyalty to, they don't know.

Later, the borders of Ulm meet with the wild Sauromatians in the east, cold-blooded lizadrmen in the south and winged people in the west.
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Old June 11th, 2007, 06:19 PM
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Default MA Pangaea

Here begins the tale of MA Pangaea.

We have been slowly conquering the surrounding barbarians to bring them the wisdom and power of the Forest. Soon we met neighbours on every border, two of them MA Oceania and Tir na n'Og soon entered NAPs with us, and only our third neighbour Sauromantia decided to cause trouble.

At first they accepted our NAP but soon after they raided a province of ours. As we are peaceful people the council of pans decided to let the barbarians have their prize, but this statement caused heavy riots in the Satyr population, and so we conquered the province back. After that an emissary from Sauromantia has arriven, whining about our so called 'ruthless' actions, this action of cowardice caused the noble nation of Pangaea to revoke the NAP, and 3 Months later a Pangean army entered the enemy lands.

Pangaea is sure to win the battle against the cowards, our vanguard is proposed to reach the enemys capital in 2 months. But pangaea is also prepared for a longer war that will grind the foul empire of Sauromantia slowly to dust.

The Sauromantian war and the fall of Tir na n'Og

As predicted, our vanguard arrived at sauromantias Castle very early but was repelled after a short siege. After that, like vultures, MA Ctis and LA Ulm also invaded Sauromantia and captured the rest of his provinces, as our main army was too far away, we had no choice, but to let them have their way. They soon sieged the sauromantian capital, but sauromantia decided not to defend itself, but to attack us. Sauromantia put all his forces in just one big army, and began to march against our mainland. They defeated an army of ours in a big battle, but their victory was just phirric, as they lost theyr god, all the hydras half the mages and almost all meelee forces. The next army of Pangea had just to attack and kill the last few survivors.

Before Sauromantia was defeated a big alliance of MA Oceania, LA Atlantis, LA Man and Lanka anhillated our neighbour Tir na n'Og in just one turn of decisive battles and after the Leadership of Tir na n'Og stepped down, pangean forces where also able to get some of the now unclaimed provinces.

Since then Pangea had a period of peace and prosperity, our forges where build and running, the recruitment of Centaurs is also proceeding as planned, and we have NAPs with every nation bordering us and as this lines are written, an army of Centaurs is entering the sea to conquer a population of tritons, that was annoying us for quite a long time.
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Old June 11th, 2007, 07:01 PM
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Default Niefelheim

Reserved for Niefelheim.

Violators will be violated in the most squamous of ways.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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Old June 11th, 2007, 07:20 PM
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Default Ma R\'Lyeh

In a time so long ago that the human mind can barely grasp such a concept, a race of near-omnipotent beings evolved on the planet Xoth. They used their fearsome powers to erect non-Euclidean cities of basalt and non-terrene materials and also to contact bizarre entities through the void itself.

Their own almost limitless power would be the undoing of dread Xoth. In an attempt to call Azathoth through the void to annihilate their enemies, they instead caused a chain-reaction in the very firmament itself. This in turn sundered Xoth into many fragments. One such fragment fell through the stars for eons. It finally came screaming on a world and plunged into a deep rift in the sea. The survivors proceeded to rebuild what they had lost, but their own ruler, the void lurker known as: Shubburath;King of Kings, Lord of Men's Folly, the Prince of Rain, had it's consciousness set adrift by the sundering. And while even in it's dormant state it was able to project it's near divine authority to their new capital of R'Lyeh, the most powerful Starspawns worked feverishly to return their god to the waking world.

In Shubburath's absence, the prophet T'Yogh has taken control of the forces of R'Lyeh. These forces are not just from the city of R'Lyeh, but also mind-numbing terrors from beyond the void itself. Mere glances at such bizarre horrors can drive men insane.

Ia! Shubburath Ftagn!

Shubburath shall break free when the stars are right. And madness and horror shall follow in his wake.


Shubburath has broken free from his extra-dimensional prison at last! The chanting of the Starspawns has been answered and R'Lyeh prepares to call forth more entities from space and time to do their bidding. Already the voices from beyond that drive mortals to madness can be heard as R'Lyeh prepares itself for this war-torn world.


The last of the fiery ones of EA Abysia that had taken the large island that was foretold to be R'Lyeh's, fell before the power of our Ilithids and void summons. To the east the rest of the fiery empire had fallen to the nearby land power that had been fighting with them for some time. Already the other-worldry chanting that accompinied the mental construction of R'Lyeh's bizarre structures had started on the island. Shubburath's influence was already spreading.
Can you destroy the Earth?
Egad! I hope not! That's where I keep all my stuff!
Guide to EA R'Lyeh
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