Hmm... For me, personally, 28 hours would be just perfect. Though if quickhost is still on, I wouldn't mind as high as 36.
How does 30 hour quickhost sound to you, Starshine Monarch?
Thank you, Szumo. Your spell-sassinations were quite effective, you know, and dramatically hindered my formations and battle plans. I'd meant for the Golems to be in first, and the Ice Drakes did nothing I could see. Instead, I went in as an unruly mob. You bastard, you killed Kenny! (j/k Southpark)
It amuses me- you've beat ME, Agartha, to Curse of Stones.

. That really confused me for a while. I had to watch the battle a few times to figure that out.
Yeah. Even madmen will rout at 75% army loss.
I lost both my Thugs, dammit. I'd invested quite a bit into them, and you even killed one with a lead shield, with soul slay, I expect. In battle, one was helped along with a Magma Bolt to the back. The other one was remotely killed outside of battle. My Arena Champion. Now I've got no heroic abilities whatsoever. Oh well. At least all my mages now have at least +1 precision thanks to experience. Though they're also getting old age to go along with it.
I'm a bit disappointed my mages wasted my gems summoning earth elementals who never got close enough to trample.
I've gotta figure out some way to open up some of those anti-spell domes, or else I needn't worry at all about your Star Children Assassins...